April ACT Official English Thread

<p>That mother sentence was awful. They should actually be embarrassed to have put that sentence on a standardized test. Shows a lack of professionalism IMO. Lots of people aren’t going to get that one right - maybe they will void it and give it to us all?</p>

<p>nooo i think it may have been in the reading section. what were the choices to the professionalism one, i think i got that one right</p>

<p>Yeah, when you put the right answer in, it still didn’t make sense, it was one of the worst sentences I had ever seen</p>

<p>Agh, I put grandparent’s table instead of grandparents’ table thinking the ’ depended on the noun. RAaaaaaaageeeee</p>

<p>What’s the mother sentence? Dont remember it.</p>

<p>It was talking about when the girl got off the plane and her mom was walking towards here and it asked about remembering someone from photos</p>

<p>@slightmanifesto: me too! I get so confused, because of the MLA rule that came into effect just a few years ago where you <em>do</em> put an ‘s after names, like Odysseus’s instead of Odysseus’, so I thought that applied to plurals also (guess not :P)</p>

<p>was the answer “writers” or “authors”</p>

<p>those weird possessives without apostrophe screw me over all the time. hoping for a 30 on the english</p>

<p>I put writer’s, which was probably wrong ( I think that was choice B)</p>

<p>I put writer’s</p>

<p>duke: i guessed authors because authors refered to author of book but IMO writers could refer to essayist or journalist. my point is was that it wasnt specific enough</p>

<p>what was the answer to the one in the part about jeans. the answers were something like “seemingly”, “as to seem”, “as it seemed” etc.</p>

<p>I think seemingly if I remember correctly</p>

<p>Future: I don’t think the issue was whether to pick author or writer, they all had commas in different places. It was like writer’s, author’s, no chance and authors. something like that.</p>

<p>and Eric, I put seemingly</p>

<p>I think the choices were writer’s, authors’, and something else. I think writer’s was the correct choice because it was talking about one writer? Can’t remember though</p>

<p>There was one that the original sentence was like “they began” or something and and the choices were no change or 3 choices that had begun in them. I put no change, was this right?</p>

<p>ok guys…i had like 3 mins left so i counted how many no changes or a/f i had and i had 21…does that seem too many??? and also…i had quite a bit of d/j…24 to be exact…</p>

<p>I had a lot of no changes if that helps</p>

<p>and also…they one about grandparent’s and grandparents’?</p>

<p>I think it was grandparents’ because they were talking about both the grandma and grandpa. did you get the began/begun one?</p>