MC: Probably about 60. There were a couple where I narrowed down to two answers, but I picked all the wrong ones
DBQ: I’m guessing a 5,6 or 7. I talked about Mai Lai Massacre, Cambodian Insurrection, more bombs…less troops, Vietnamization, Pentagon Papers, China and Soviet Union visits with Kissinger, OPEC and Israel/Egypt conflict, Nixon’s tax evasion, Tet Offensive, Increased Antiwar Sentiment, increased college turnout. I regret not putting in SALT and detente in the Soviet Union section, stagflation, SDS, and I called the the increased college turnout the Young America movement… woops, but I bet they know what I’m talking about because defined what I meant by “Young America.” I also said something about the black turnout not going with Nixon and how Nixon tried to get their vote. Does anyone know if this is a 5 or 7 essay based on the info?</p>
FRQ #3: I just went with the question and said the Federalists and Republicans increased national unity. I said how the Feds used the National Bank to combine the credit throughout the country, instead of states dividing. I talked about the War Hawks, Manifest Destiny, Era of Good Feelings. My essay was War of 1812 heavy and I didn’t really talk about the 1830s. I thinking a 6 or 7…</p>
FRQ #5: The usual. Du Bois, Booker T. and Garvey for the first era, then MLK, Malcolm X and Elijah Mohammad. I talked about northern migration after the world wars, sit ins, Greensboro, March on Washington, Dream speech, NAACP, Atlanta Compromise, Tuskegee institute. I’m guessing a 6 and 7 once again.</p>
I’m predicting a 5, but there is always a chance…</p>