<p>Ok, if you applied to architecture as a freshman…1) have you heard anything? 2) if you haven’t heard, do you know when they will get around to letting the applicants know who’s in and who isn’t? Best of luck. Hopefully i’ll get a better result the second time around…</p>
<p>i applied for architecture and my alternate was poli sci (which is less impacted i hear?)
i havent heard anything yet
keep your fingers crossed</p>
<p>Definitely. Hopefully we hear soon. I did construction management as my alt. Let me know anything you hear. Good luck!</p>
<p>Construction Management is extremely easy to get in. If they don’t accept you for Architecture, then they might offer you Construction Management. The program is a lot faster, and you could probably finish your Bachelor’s in less that 4 yrs; however, it is more business oriented than other foci in the Architecture college. I took an economics class, and I got an A, but holy hell business is like a different language to me!</p>
<p>Hope you all get in.</p>
<p>Thanks. If all goes as planned, I’ll get in for Architecture and then I can possibly minor in construction management. I do have a question tho…k, so I am in at ucd, and I applied under structural engineering(cuz it’s similar to arch). If I don’t get into cal poly for Architecture, but I am offered construction management, should I do structural eng. at davis OR construction management at cal poly. CP is known for arch, not construction management, and I kinda want what would be more prestigious. Any suggestions will help. It would also be nice to just know if I’m in, but you know…</p>
<p>Both are well off if money is a priority to you. Like I said, construction management is more business. CE with emphasis with SE is engineering-based (of course). It is different from Architecture though, immensely. The Architect created the dream, S. Engineers bring that dream to life. The Architect has to learn a little of every field (Mech., plumb, Engr., Materials, Contracts, Law, Construction plans), but nothing compared to the actual focused fields. I would say that you should consider UCD (if you don’t get in for Architecture), because I think engineering is always useful. Construction Management is useful only in a stable economy. I think by the time you graduate, there will be plenty of work in either field, so it’s your choice. I do know some transfers that finished Cons. Mgmt. fast (if that’s what you want).</p>
<p>Thanks for the help. I’m going crazy trying to decide exactly what I wanna do. I’m in sd too, and I wanna go to a school with a true college feel, whether that be at Cal Poly or at Davis. You kinda enforced what I was thinkin, but it’s nice to hear it from someone other than myself or my parents.</p>
<p>If you get into architecture at cal poly, go here. It is ranked 3 nationwide.</p>
<p>Yeah. I’m kinda at that point that I don’t wanna get my hopes up. I told myself that I was gonna look more seriously at davis just in case cal poly falls through. I’m pretty sure I’d pick cal poly if I get into architecture. But decisions are hard. When I didn’t get in the first time around, I didn’t want to put myself in that vulnerable state of mind again. I’m lucky, davis is a great fallback. I’m still a poly fan. I sport my mustang gear at school all the time. :)</p>
<p>I applied to davis as well tenh20, when did you hear from them on getting accepted?</p>
<p>I haven’t heard anything officially. I’m in elc, so I was told I was guaranteed in as long as a I submitted an application.</p>
<p>Sounds like you not too sure about any of those majors. My suggestion is do exactly what I did, go to a community college doesn’t have to be where you live, for example Cuesta which has arch, construction management, and I’m sure some engineering courses. Theres no sense in going to school for something you think your interested in vs something your passionate about. A lot of kids change majors from arch and it is very frowned upon at most schools especially SLO since there are limited spaces. Plus you save money and depending on where you can go you can get the close to if not the same “college” experience. Plus you can get that 3.45 up and be confident you can get into where ever you want once you know what you want to do for certain. O ya and its only around 400 bucks a semester which is nice too.</p>
<p>cc is not an option…</p>
<p>He’s just recommending you to go to a CC. I will tell you this, I originally wanted to be an architect major, and couldn’t go to a university straight out of high school due to a low GPA. When i got to a CC i started off doing architecture but the CC i attend too right now doesn’t have a structured outline for architecture so i switched to the closest thing I thought was comparable to it which was CE. civil engineering in my mind is more abstract, and calculus base. InfinityWolf may correct me since i’m really not too familiar with architecture anymore. Going to a community college, allows you to be able to take w/e classes you want to see if you like them. If you like them, then you keep going at it and start getting into the classes your required to take to transfer smoothly. No matter what you’ve picked good majors that will allow good job opportunities once this stimilus bill starts working. You chose what you feel most comfortable and see yourself in wanting to do. Hope some of that makes sense tenh</p>
<p>It does. And I truly appreciate the insight. I don’t want it to come across insincere or that I am “better” than any cc. I’m not, trust me. I’ve just had cal poly as a goal for so long, I don’t want anything else. I might of made it seem like I was unsure about what I wanted to do, but I’m excited about what will happen. Whether cal poly works out, or it doesn’t, I just wanted to learn a little bit more about my plan ‘b’–Davis. Thanks for the advice. I’ll try to word things better next time…</p>
<p>It happens all the time, no worries. Have you gotten into cal poly yet?</p>
<p>No, I haven’t heard anything. I have a friend who applied to civil eng? I think. Some type of eng. He hasn’t heard anything. Still waiting tho. We’ll see how it goes. I haven’t looked back on you’re last posts. Have you heard yet? Do you know if I should be hearing something in the next week, two weeks, month? I really don’t want to be the reject at the end like last time…</p>
<p>the way infinity talked, architecture majors are going to be the last ones to hear which he said could be all the way till the last day which is april 1st. I guess you guys have to send in portfolios? i’m not sure if thats true for freshmans. I’m a transfer student so selection for me is a lot different than freshmans. I haven’t heard anything, but my friend who is also a CE major heard from them i guess during the first wave of notifications. So i’m getting jumpy because he heard from them and I haven’t but i’m slowly calming down and realizing w/e happens happens. What are your stats? not sure if you mentioned them. I’m sure you’ll be fine.</p>
<p>We’ll see. My test scores are embarrassing…seriously. Probably the lowest amongst the other arc applicants. I got a 23 on ACT:( but I did get a 27 in math. Decent. I’m kinda relying a lot on my gpa. I have a W4.419 but a CSU gpa of a 4.0. I do know that gpa is not everything. I just wasn’t into the tests…all six of them. I’m feeling the same way; whatever happens happens. It’ll suck, but life will eventually go on. I’m glad swim started so I can work off a little anxiety…for sure. I sure hope there isn’t any portfolio, I wouldn’t even know what to do with it. I think that might just be for transfers. Hopefully. I hope you hear something soon. If I have to wait till april, march is gonna be a very long month…</p>
<p>My friend just got a letter in the mail today saying he was wait-listed for arch. Does anyone know how the wait-listed process works at cal poly?</p>