Archaeology vs. Biology?

Hi! So right now, I’m having a little bit of a dilemma. I have a passion for both biology (genetics) and archaeology, but I’m not sure which one I’d want to major in. The best-case scenario would be a double major, but if that doesn’t happen, I’ll need a backup plan. I know biology is the more “practical” major, but archaeology’s something I’ve been in love with since age 6. Does anyone have any input?

What about biological anthropology? That field would include aspects of both your interests.

It will be extremely difficult to find work in archaeology (

Most colleges don’t have a major in biological anthropology - it’s a bit too specialized for the undergrad level. You could potentially major in anthropology and take all the classes that lean towards the physical/biological anthropology side, but some colleges will require you to take well-rounded classes (including some in cultural anthropology). Also, note that many colleges don’t have an archaeology major. You’d either major in anthropology or, at some colleges, in classics.

You don’t have to become an archaeologist just because you major in archaeology, but anthropology and archaeology majors do have some of the highest unemployment rates (12.6%). That’s not to say that you shouldn’t major in it - after all, most anthropology and archaeology majors ARE gainfully employed - but you need to plan very carefully and make sure that you develop skills that will be valuable in lots of jobs, and do some internships in college.

Also, do note that if you wanted to go into archaeology as a profession (and not just major in it), you will certainly need a graduate degree and probably a PhD. Those jobs are extremely difficult to get - there’s a lot of competition and the pool is very small. Is that what you want?

@jjwinkle i know it’s going to be difficult. however, it’s something i’ve been interested for a while now.

@juillet that’s absolutely what i want! thanks a ton!!