Are 6 AP courses too much for one year?

Next year I am planning to take 6 AP courses, and was wondering if this would be a bad idea?
I’m thinking about taking AP Chem, AP US History, AP Psych, AP Spanish Lang and Culture, AP English Lang, and AP Music Theory, but I am really concerned about it being too heavy of a workload.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

What was your course load this year, and how did it go?

Love your handle btw :slight_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile:
This year I’m only taking AP Biology, AP Studio Art 2D, and AP Calculus BC. They’re all pretty easy so far, fortunately.

AP US History can be very time consuming at some schools. I’d ask the teacher how many hours per week of studying are typically expected of students. If it turns out that it requires a lot of time (>1 hour per night), then consider switching it out for AP Gov or Honors History. AP Chem should be very intense. Everything else seems manageable as long as your Spanish is good and you read music and write well.

Also, it might be concerning to adcoms if you take AP Calc BC, then don’t take any math the following year. It might be appropriate to replace AP Psych or AP Music Theory with AP Stats or a college level multivariable calc class.

That’s true. I think I will probably switch out AP Psych with another math course. Thanks so much for your help!

Definitely switch out AP psych for another math.
In addition, have you taken honors chemistry already? If not, take that instead of AP chemistry (which is the second level).
All in all, advanced math + 3-4 APs would be plenty.

Yeah, I took honors chem last year. I’m probably going to switch out AP Psych for stats or multivariable calc

That makes your schedule HARDER, not easier, since AP psych is an ‘easy’ AP!!
Cut something :slight_smile:

Oof :frowning: okay