Are academics/DC internship opportunities good enough reasons to transfer to GW?

these are my main reasons to transfer, as there are not many avail internships where i am. are these valid reasons?

GW has a ton of internships during the school year since most summer internships will be filled by OOS students. GW’s academics depend on your field, the humanities (specifically polisci and IA are great) but stem isn’t that popular.

gotcha! yea i would be coming in as a PoliComm major!

Cool! That’s what I applied for (2024 RD here lol). But internships were what I was drawn to most. They really emphasized that on the tours and I did my own research.

Many colleges allow you to take a DC semester - very much like a semester abroad. If all other things about your current college are ideal, that is worth looking into.

yes those a good reasons. its the opportunities u are looking for. I’d apply to AU, Catholic, Gtown and UMD as well if that’s ur focus.

I’m going to somewhat disagree with the above. GW on admissions info session were specific that you should be explaining why you want to attend GW, not just why you want to go to college in DC (all the DC colleges have great internship opportunities). I’d tailor the application to the academics offered at GW, and if there is anything specific you like about how GW works to offer internships etc then mention that. But an application that can be generic to any DC college is probably not going to go down that well.