Are cars necessary?

<p>I am a sophomore and debating taking my car there in the spring, thats when I will be transferring. I have heard that the public transportation in the area really stinks and there are a lot of off campus parties, gatherings etc. Anyone with any insight will be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>S has had a car since freshman year (they allowed cars then). Highly recommend it to get to South Beach…Publix too! No hipster here, but as ■■■■■ says, "I’m in Miami____!</p>

<p>■■■■■ just lost a ton of street cred, sorry guys.</p>

<p>not necessary but definitely a plus. I don’t go 2 UM (well no yet lol), but I’ve been to the miami area many times (lots of family in the area) & miami/surrounding areas is one of the cities where a car is simply the best way to get around (asides from the traffic!!!) While the public trans isn’t completly horrible, it isn’t the most reliable & is a little sketchy. All in all, while recommended, you don’t need to HAVE a car, and can survive w/o one. Since you have a car, i’d say take it.</p>

<p>You don’t NEED a car, but yes you need one. I didn’t have a car freshman year and it was such a pain doing things like food shopping and I never got to go to the beach. I mean once you’re an upperclassman your friends will have cars but still.</p>

<p>You can get to the mall and Target/Best Buy on the metro, but other than that you need a car to get anywhere else.</p>

<p>If you’re out of state than you do not really need one because a lot of instate individuals and you can tag a long with them to go food shopping and other place. Though if you’re a person who does not like to rely on people and likes to leave campus a lot, you might want your own car.</p>