Are fast food places open during Thanksgiving?

<p>I plan on staying at Unit 3 during Thanksgiving, and a friend told me that all the food places are closed. Is this true?</p>


Ouch that sucks.</p>

<p>Actually it turns out I might be staying at a nearby relative’s house, but if anybody knows the answer to my question it would still be helpful.</p>

<p>Yes, that is true.</p>

<p>Top Dog is the only one open. And it might close early too.</p>

<p>I was planning on staying during Thanksgiving break too.
I guess the only thing to do is to stock up. Cereal ftw.</p>

<p>Is there some reason you can’t venture outside of Telegraph Ave? Lots of Chinese restaurants in Chinatown (both Oakland and SF) will be open. There’s a really cheap one on Washington @ Grant Ave in SF’s Chinatown called Sam Wo’s. Beef & broccoli for about $5. Three spring rolls for less than $2.</p>

<p>It turns out I may be staying at Unit 3 after all, so does anyone know if the asian ghetto is closed during the Thanksgiving holidays, and if so, which days? I don’t want to go far away just to get food, especially when it’s nighttime.</p>

<p>Go home, don’t be an idiot.</p>

<p>Pretty much everything outside of law offices and schools are open the day after and the weekend after Thanksgiving day.</p>

<p>Anyway, my first suggestion to maybe explore restaurants outside of Berkeley was for Thanksgiving daytime, say, mid-afternoon…</p>

<p>Are the dorms open during Thanksgiving Break?</p>

<p>Yes, though the DCs are not.</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving!!!</p>

<p>I had breakfast today at Waffle House, and lunch at White Castle and plan to go to a bar for dinner tonight!!!</p>

<p>The 24/7 CVS and Wal-green pharmacies are also open today!</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>