Are Gruber's SAT books sexist?

<p>lol I know this is a strange question, but I was looking at the big Gruber SAT book, and there was a section called "strategies for women" (there was no such section for men). I looked at the section and it had 4 questions and said these 4 questions (or maybe it was these 4 types of questions, thats probably what it was) were questions that women tended to get wrong. Not only did I get the ones that I tried right, this also just seemed so ridiculous to me. Did anyone else notice this?
DON'T answer the question if you just want to say "why are you going on about this it doesn't matter". Yes, I know it's trivial, but i want to know if anyone else has noticed this, okay.
thank you</p>

<p>Hahahahah, when I read that page I thought it was just funny. I think what he is trying to get at is that women generally do worse on the SAT than men (this is proven). Gruber just manages to get his point across in the most ambiguous, dumbest way ever. Adam Robinson also mentions women in his book Rocket Review, except unlike Gruber, he actually states why women do worse. Gruber just throws 4 practice problems out of nowhere that don’t actually prove a thing, which is downright hilarious.</p>

<p>gruber is a ■■■■■■ hahaha.
thanks for answering, i didn’t know that this was proven. however, i’d still like to see some actual scientific proof of this lol. because who exactly “proved” it, some men?
i’m not doubting you, i’m sure this has actually been said, i just want actual proof lol.
but anyways thanks.</p>

<p>on a side note, if it is true that women do worse on the SAT than man, do you think that colleges acknowledge this and do not compare women and men’s scores?</p>



<p>Just look at the charts.</p>

<p><a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools;

<p>LOL they definitely are, theres nothing we can do about it</p>

<p>The two sexes don’t think exactly the same way</p>