Are Harvard kids stuck-up brats?

<p>Well, my family and I are financially well off, but not even close when comparing the type of people that go to Harvard. Are these rich students the type that make you feel like crap and inferior or are they more accepting; or is it like poor smart vs. rich legacy?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure there’s going to be stuck up kids at any Ivy League. Generally I don’t think everyone is that rude snobby stereotype. I have a friend up there who said he had the same worries- but it turned out to be not bad at all.</p>

<p>Whats worse than the stuck up rich kids- are the “I’m so much more intelligent than you, you’re not even worthy to be in my presence type”</p>

<p>Last year at my school there was an Indian girl who had that superiority complex- and was totally over the top rude an obnoxious. She told everyone she wanted to go to Harvard and would get in.</p>

<p>Guess who didn’t get in :)</p>

<p>Yes. Thanks, that’s what I wanted to hear. Because I wouldn’t want to be surrounded by people who will make me feel inferior…u know? like i wouldnt fit in, cuz my dad isn’t the CEO of some big company.</p>

<p>I know how you feel. Usually people highlighted stuff like that because they are insecure about themselves in other areas. You’ll know it when someone is going to be a true friend, and you’ll know pretty easily when someone is bs’ing</p>

<p>:)…thanks a lot guys!!! hopefully, it’ll be a good experience…well, that is, if i ever make it ;)</p>

<p>You’ll undoubtedly meet a few, but they come with the territory. I’m a URM Junior in HS, and more likely than not will not get into Harvard, but I’ve been to my uncle’s final club several times, and I’ve met 4th and 5th generation legacies with III or IV’s behind their names, and of course, some are going to be snobs, but the vast majority that I met were nice people.</p>

<p>i asked my friend, a freshman this year, what her favorite part about harvard is. guess what she said. the people. she said everyone is really cool and she’s made some really awesome friends. when i asked her about whether people are pretentious and stuck up, she said that of course there are going to be those types of people there, but there are so many other kids who are really interesting and fun to be around that you just don’t associate with those other types of kids.</p>

<p>While I can’t speak for Harvard because no one I have known has ever gone there, I can say a few things about Yale. Last year my school sent one student to Yale, and he was one of the nicest and most genuine students in the entire school. He was definitely not stuck up or rich. On the other hand, I knew a student from my school that got in to Yale 2 years ago and he was a royal snob, complete moron, and overall butt head. Its hit or miss so just avoid the pricks and enjoy your time if you get in.</p>

<p>for the most part…the students you will meet are going to be the nicest people you have ever met up to this point, and they all have a ton of accomplishments as well.</p>

<p>Generally, HYP is pretty good at weeding out the Type-A, pushy, hypercompetitive kids out of the applicant pool. The brats rarely get in.</p>

<p>My DD is a sophomore at H. I have met her roomies and their parents. If they are indicative of the type of students who go to H, I will tell you that they are down-to earth, non-pretentious, and fun loving people. I think that milessmiles has it right: H is good at weeding out type-A obnoxious candidates.</p>