Are merit/corps scholarshipsstill being given out/considered?

So I’ve already been admitted to TAMU for the fall and checked my financial aid portal as an email had instructed me to see my awards. unfortunately, all I found was loans. Does this mean i failed to qualify for all merit scholarships A&M is awarding? I have a 3.82 GPA and am graduating 77 out of 591 students at my school, and am an Eagle Scout with outstanding service hours to the community, so I’m a bit surprised that I was offered nothing. If I am still eligible for scholarships, is there any idea as to when they will release their recipients?
Another question I have is about Corps Scholarships, I signed up for the Aggie Eagle Program in February, am I still eligible for their scholarships even if its the first time i have gone on a Corps event/declared official interest besides at the scholarship application level?

@Southpaw1 Out of curiosity, what is your major and when were you admitted? It appears that you are a review admit from your class rank and your ACT score. The rest of us review admits are anxious about getting in and wondering when other review admits are accepted.

@kaydeeloo I was admitted in November, and I’m majoring in Biomedical sciences. I had to have been one of the first review admits considering most admits were automatic at the time. Good luck on admission!

Congratulations @Southpaw1!

@Southpaw1 not sure about Biomedical Sciences, but for Engineering, they haven’t even gotten through admitting folks yet, much less finishing the scholarship process. From last year’s results, many of the scholarships were awarded in early March.

I just contacted the scholarships and financial aid office if they are still giving out scholarships after the update in the portal because I didn’t get any. Here is their email:

Our office has awarded all freshmen scholarships. You can check with your college or department. The colleges and departments tend to award scholarships in a different time frame. Below you will find the contact information for the College of Engineering.

Tammy Thomas (979) 458-9662

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks & Gig’em!

Very disappointed.

@k_03 I suspect that office is in charge of “need based” scholarships. My D has near perfect stats and is hoping for a merit based scholarship, not need based.

I would be shocked beyond all measure if merit based scholarships are over. Last year, most were given out in early March and knowing that the Engineering admit process is way behind schedule this year, I wouldn’t get too disappointed yet.

@ColoFatherOf3 I think they give out both need-based and merit-based scholarships. The departmental scholarships are still to be awarded, definitely. But as the counselor says in the email, their office is done awarding all scholarships. I too hope she just means the need-based ones but I am not sure. I have emailed her again asking about this.

The financial aid department makes decisions on what I would term, university wide scholarships. A few well known merit ones are McFadden, Lechner, and opportunity awards. They also do the need based scholarships. If you have a high stats student, you may benefit from a quick contact with your department to ask about scholarship opportunities/timeline projections and express additional interest (if that is the case).

She just confirmed, they are done with everything, all freshmen scholarships.
We still can hope for scholarships from the Engineering department, but I am not going to expect anything from the Scholarships and Financial Aid Office.
I had 1430 on the SAT (660-EBRW, 770-Maths). I thought I was at least average, but I guess I was wrong.

@k_03 Don’t look at yourself as anything but above average. The one thing I’m learning from this process is that any sort of rejection or lack of offers has a terrible effect on how our kids view themselves, and you guys need to stay positive and remember how hard you have worked to get where you are so far. To get a 1430 is really awesome, and I’m sure you have other good stats. It’s just that A&M is so very competitive, and there’s nothing we can do to fix that. Boy, do I wish I could! Just keep hoping for a departmental scholarship and keep your chin up. This is not a reflection on you or how qualified you are as much as it’s just a really tight competition between some highly qualified students, including yourself. I have to keep reminding my son of this.

@rvhappynow Thank you for your words. I really appreciate it. :slight_smile:

Discouraged here too. Not my kids first choice but I am a little in disbelief that her stats don’t at least get a $500.00 book scholarship. Wow.