Are my grades adequate for transferring?

hi im currently in my second semester at bmcc and by the end this current semester , my forecasted gpa is around 3.5 for 28 credits, i fear that though I will be applying late may/ early June it may harm my chances. I need your honest thoughts. thanks

Addition note, ill have 28 credit by the time I submit my application.

Why not apply earlier? I’m also in my 2nd semester at BMCC but I sent in my application back in February. I got in with a 4.0 first semester. Bing then asked me from a current progress report for my current classes by the end of March (4.0 again). With the two semesters I’ll have about 25/26 credits and I got accepted back in early March.

I think your stats are good but you seem to be applying really late.

I would’ve applied much earlier if my high school gpa was much higher, unfortunately its sub-standard so ill have to wait till I have completed 26 or so credits in order for them to ignore my hs transcript.

My HS grade was pretty abysmal as well, didn’t even try at all senior year. Graduated with a mid 70s average and a 1290 SAT and was rejected from Bing during HS.

I would say try transferring now. I wouldn’t wait till early June because that’s when transfers begin class registration. I think as long as you have shown a steady increase in your grades you have a good chance. It also depends which Bing school you’re applying to. I heard anything but Harpur is decently competitive, but Harper should be pretty good.

I like your enthusiasm but my high school grades are seriously laughable in the college world. its shy of 70…
. No reasonable college would find that appealing, let alone one of the top SUNY. assuming I continue to apply around June, what are you thoughts on my chances On maybe the lower level sunys such as Albany, buff, Paltz etc?

Id say a definite yes to Buffalo and probably Albany if theres still space come June.

I still say it’s better to apply now rather than June. Bing will want to know how you’re doing in your second semester and chances are your grades will be higher now than if you were to send it to them after finals. For me, a simple letter grade from my current second semester professors at BMCC was enough for their progress report. I believe in you :slight_smile:

Alright I’ll take ur advice thanks


please give me some feedback

given that my Gpa is adequate for 28 credits, will they still ask for my high school transcript if my credits doesnt reach the 24 credit threshold. basically what im asking Is if they are basing their judgement of my acceptant based on 24 general credits or 24 TRANSFERABLE credits?

New Paltz gets more apps than any other SUNY. I’d consider it a reach. Have you called Binghamton to ask if they’ll require your high school transcripts?

@austinmshauri well ill have 28 credits so they shouldn’t require it , but assuming I get a 3.6 for 28 credits come june, what do you think my chances are with harpur ? and stony.

update , I got into Albany two days after I sent em my transcript, they didn’t require official transcripts from school. so still waiting on bing, buff and stony . thoughts on my chances, 3.6 gpa for 28 creds