Are my grades good enough?

<p>So, I am currently a sophomore in high school. Things have been going downhill for me... I was a straight A student for my whole life until I reached 9th grade and got my first B. I was devastated. Now... taking all honors and AP classes I am trying to make B's to keep my GPA up. But sadly I have been making a few C's spread through out my six weeks and now semester grades. I am trying my hardest and I need to know if my grades are still good enough for a state college.</p>

<p>My GPA is currently 3.54
Weighted it is a tad bit higher... not much.
23 %tile. (Although my grade...of course... is filled with a lot of very ALL A students.. so I figure this will drop down farther...)
I am a member of SADD, Spanish Club, the varisty Tennis team, a member of the Debate/Model United Nations Club, a member of the yearbook staff, along with volunteering to coach children at the YMCA for soccer, and many other things I do not want to waste my time listing.</p>