Are my reaches reachable?

<p>White, Jewish, Male
School: 1st or 2nd highest avg SATscore in state (georgia), should give a basic idea of how its ranked
GPA: 4.0 (W)
ACT composite: 34
SATII: Biology (720), going to take more
dont know class rank</p>

(10th): bio (5), world history (2, yeah I know, its bad)</p>

<p>(11th): physics b, eng lang, comp sci ab, stat, and calc bc (expecting 4-5 on all)</p>

<p>(12th): micro/macro, comp. gov, physics C, psych</p>

<p>also, not an AP, but Ill be taking Calc. III through GATech as a senior </p>

varsity track team</p>

Informal internship at GaTech in a computer science research lab
captain of math and science olympiad teams
vice president of student council
president of yearbook commitee and spanish honor society</p>

<p>Summer between 10th and 11th
Paid position at GaTech computer science research lab working around 40 hours/week(can get great recommendations from several professors and grad students)</p>

<p>11th and 12th grade
Continuing internship at GaTech, informally during school year, probably paid again during summer. On science olympiad team.
Other than that, Ill only be doing competitions/awards again (listed below)</p>

1st place at state level science fair (pre-ISEF competition), and regional
Won "Excellence in Computer Science" award from Intel
1st place at regional Tech Fair competition, 3rd place at state</p>

<p>Will be able to get excellent recommendation from professor at GaTech I've been working with (for 2 years by time of applications), highly respected in Computer Science field</p>

<p>Some schools Im thinking of applying to are:
MIT (reach)
Caltech (reach)
carnegie mellon (match)
gatech (safety)
Emory (match)
Hopkins (reach)
stanford (reach)
berkeley (not sure)</p>

<p>I hope I didn't forget anything. How is my reach/safety/match rankings for the schools i want to apply to? Ill eventually add another safety or 2.</p>

<p>berkely should be a reach too.. if your not from cali., forget it.. very tough.. it was my dream school, but now I am happy with University of Chicago ;-)</p>

<p>Beef up your apps by entering competitions and internships.. should give u a huge edgge.</p>

<p>bump, please help :)</p>

<p>You're on the right track. Great GPA and ACT!</p>

<p>However, you need to focus a bit more on ECs and awards. But like I said before, you have as good a shot as anybody.</p>

<p>BTW, is your username your real name? (don't have to answer if you don't want to)</p>

<p>I'd say Berkeley's a reach, since your GPA is weak for its average stats and you're OOS. You were right in your own assessment of your chances. You do have a good shot at the tech schools, though -- your awards will help. Try to show a passion in your application, for computer science as I see it. It will help the most.</p>