Are my SAT II scores enough?

<p>Hi, everyone. I am an International Student and I would like to apply to Caltech as Class of 2013.
However, I am not sure whether my SAT II scores are competitive enough for Caltech since I am an International applicant?</p>

<p>My scores are:
Maths 2 = 710
Physics = 660
Chemistry = 750</p>

<p>Should I retake them again?</p>

<p>Also, is it true that Caltech Admission Officer will treat anything above 700 (that is 700-800) the same as 800?
Will they not happy when they see my Physics score?</p>

<p>THANKS A LOT !!!</p>

<p>Unlike Math 1, the Math II exam has some really high percentage of people that score 800s–I think you can miss quite a few answers and still get an 800 on the exam. What you heard regarding the 700-800 thing was probably referencing the SAT 1 sections, not the SAT II tests. </p>

<p>If you can get better scores on those exams, I think it would probably be beneficial.</p>

<p>I would recommend that you retake Physics.</p>

<p>The Math II scores tend to be very high in admitted students, so you might want to consider taking that again.</p>