<p>Hi! So I just received my SAT subject scores online. I got:</p>
<p>660 Math 2
720 Biology M</p>
<p>I'm an aspiring pharmacy student and am looking into school like Northeastern, Uconn, and MCPHS.</p>
<p>How good are these scores? Do I need to retake the subject tests? I know my math score is pretty low...and I'm in AP Calculus!! My issue is that I only have one more SAT test date before I start applying for colleges. </p>
<p>I got a 1990 on my SAT and I wanted to retake it in order to break 2000 but I can't take the SAT and the SAT subjects on the same day. Which should I retake/ which is more important?</p>
<p>I would say retake SAT reasoning b/c that’s probably more important to colleges than SAT subject. Also, your subject test scores should be good enough for the schools you mentioned.</p>
<p>I have a similar dilemma, however I am a freshman. I took the Bio E Sat 2 on June 5th, and I though I did well. However, when I got my scores today, I discovered I got a 590, which in my opinion and in my parents’ opinion is crap. Should I spend my summer studying for bio and retake the test in october? Should I try molecular this time? I dont know. I wanted to get in the 700’s but are the SAT 2s that important. If I do well enough in other subjects and I have a lot of extra curricular activities, will colleges mind this. By the way Im looking to one day go to med school and become a physician.</p>
You should retake both the SAT and the Math II. On the Math II a good amount of the students get 800s, so you at least want to be in the 700s. I’m not trying to be harsh, just telling you what I’ve heard. I’m going to retake Math II also. The Biology one could go either way, that’s up to you.</p>
What courses are you taking in the future? In chemistry I scored 690 after taking Honors Chemistry without studying, but then 780 on AP Chem without studying. I would just wait until you take a more in depth course that gives you a better knowledge base before retaking, especially if you can take AP Bio sophmore or junior year.</p>
I’m assuming MCHPS means MIT, Caltech, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford? If not then my advice would be different.</p>
<p>@10iswarrior- I can’t take both. I only have one test day left before early action and stuff. :-/
And no, you assumed wrong. MCPHS (Mass. College of Pharmacy) is another pharmacy school since that’s the major I’m looking into. I’m looking into Northeastern, UConn, MCPHS, Rugters, Purdue, St. Johns… schools like that. So, do you change your advice?</p>
<p>Thank you GoldOwl
, I was thinking the SAT might be a little more important.</p>
<p>Yah I took a biology honors course this year and im planning on taking AP bio in 11th grade. Should I just retake the sat then?</p>
<p>@biologySAT- Since you are a freshman, you still have plenty of time to take the Bio Subject again. AP Bio will more than prepare you for the test. You will probably score high 700s, unlike me. lol. Why have you already taken the SAT as a freshman?</p>
<p>@highachiever793 : My bio teacher recommended we take the bio sat’s. Yah I was hoping that AP was going to better prepare me for the test. Thanks</p>
My bad. If you’re going to take one or the other, SAT is more important.</p>
I would suggest waiting until after AP Bio, you’ll have a much better score. It is nice to have experience with the test though.</p>
<p>no problem. I never thought of MCPHS standing for Ivies and big name schools. clever. lol</p>
<p>yeah, I think I’m just going to retake the SATs. I’m just angry about that math score. :(</p>
<p>I can understand that. I would think that you’d be alright at the schools you listed.</p>