<p>I'm wondering if it would make a difference were I to get prep books for my ap exams, specifically barron's, now or wait for the new editions to come out in february. Also, do newer editions have different practice tests or do they recycle them from past editions. Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>Plus if I already own an older edition should I buy the newer edition?</p>
<p>Unless something drastic is happening to the test (like the new SAT, for example), there’s usually very little difference. I borrow AP prep books from the library, and have used those from last year, 2 years ago, and occasionally 3 years ago. If you really want to see the new one, I’d recommend borrow last year’s from the library to use now, and buy the new one in February. </p>
<p>I’m not sure whether they reuse questions…I usually just got two different publishers because I found they focused on different types of questions. You could try that and the official released questions. </p>
<p>How old is your older edition? If the test has changed since then, buying a new one sounds good. If it’s just last years or the year before that, I wouldn’t bother.</p>
<p>@Andr01d thank you for responding!
I have an edition from 2013 and I was wondering if it was worth getting the 2015 version unless the tests are recylced.</p>
<p>Really depends on the subject and if there were any drastic changes made to the AP test (e.g. last year, the Chemistry test was far different than previous years because it focused on a more holistic approach rather than a detail-orientated one). The only difference I’d seen between pre-2014 versions of AP Chem books and post-2014 versions is the practice tests. Other then that, the content should be the same for most of the AP exams. </p>