I want to take AP Music Theory online, but is that even possible? I want to receive highschool credits from taking the course as well. What website/place might I go for this, or do online AP Courses not exist?
They definitely exist! Many of them are taught through online forums with a teacher on the other end to answer questions and assign homework. Some states-- in Michigan this is true, but I’m not sure where OP is located-- have specific websites that offer approved the curriculum that will prepare you sufficiently for the AP exam. Contact your HS administrators to find out about these resources at your school, they should have everything you need to enroll.
Georgia does this too. There is an official site that every school accepts credits from
AP online classes are not a fraud. Quality will differ according to the course provider though, so do your research carefully. Some will have teachers with PhDs, live Skype online sessions, tons of TAs with near 24/7 homework support online, lots of interaction with other classmates, wonderful practice tests, etc etc…and some will have some videos and basically you’ll teach yourself. Just like “regular” school courses…there are great ones and not-so-great ones. So do your research carefully. PrepScholar has a review of some the best and worst classes out there (by provider), you could start there - google The Best (and Worst) Online AP Courses.
AP online classes are not a fraud. Quality will differ according to the course provider though, so do your research carefully. Some will have teachers with PhDs, live Skype online sessions, tons of TAs with near 24/7 homework support online, lots of interaction with other classmates, wonderful practice tests, etc etc…and some will have some videos and basically you’ll teach yourself. Just like “regular” school courses…there are great ones and not-so-great ones. So do your research carefully. PrepScholar has a review of some of the best and worst classes out there (by provider), you could start there - google The Best (and Worst) Online AP Courses. AP Music Theory is not featured in that blog post, but you could check with the providers they mention to see if any of them offer it, and then investigate the descriptions.