Are other H frosh studying over holiday break?

<p>I thought our Havard freshman would be doing a lot of studying to prepare for finals in January. Have not noticed him studying AT ALL so far, which concerns me a bit.</p>

<p>Is this common? Are most other students studying a bunch, or are there others who think they will do their studying during reading period?</p>

<p>No need to be concerned, many people tend to do their work (essay writing and studying) over reading period. The important thing is to know how his finals are scheduled, if he has a good spread he shouldn’t need to feel the pressure to work over break. Whereas some my friends and myself have to deal with many finals on the first few days of exam period and various essays to be written as well, so yes, I am actually in the middle of writing my lit essay. But yeah, reading period is there for catch up and prep and is overly long, so no need to be concerned.</p>

<p>Edit: Though I’m a junior, but freshman in general should have a more lax schedule and should hopefully not be overwhelmed by too much work in January and just use reading period instead of their winter break.</p>

<p>not studying over break, plan to do all that over reading period…</p>

<p>your kid should be fine–in theory reading period is supposed to give you enough time to study so that you wouldn’t need to do it over break…</p>

<p>I’m a senior, and I haven’t touched a book during my four winter breaks (and done just fine with finals). Your kid is fine :-P</p>