Are roommate requests guaranteed?

<p>A friend and I are going to be requesting each other as roommates next year at Madison and I was just wondering if we are guaranteed to be roommates? Our housing preferences are slightly different but overall very similar, but I don't know if that plays into anything at all.</p>

<p>Roommate requests are not guaranteed.</p>

<p>I believe that chances are improved if you pick the same top choices in the same order</p>

<p>Even better chances if your top choices are Sellery/Witte as those are large dorms.</p>

<p>You can also try calling Housing and ask.</p>


<p>Both of you have to request each other and you need to want/rank the same dorms. If you don’t want the same housing you probably should rethink the idea of being roommates. You could be better off as friends if you are not sharing the same room all year. Don’t be shy about calling Res Halls with your questions.</p>