Requesting Dorm Changes?

<p>I was just wondering if it's possible to put in a request for changing dorms before the school year starts. I got my second last choice residence hall (is that common?) and was hoping I could switch if space is available. Kicking myself for not requesting a roommate now... Any input would be great.</p>


<p>What dorm is it?</p>

<p>Turner Hall in Kronshage</p>

<p>Ask Res Halls. You can call them during regular business hours with questions.</p>

<p>Division of University Housing, 625 Babcock Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1213 | (608) 262-2522
Contact us at: <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Call to find out the procedure; I believe you will need to stop in personally and fill out a form to request a change.</p>

<p>Are you in-state?</p>