Are students from College of Environmental Design allowed to apply for HAAS, or only L&S

<p>Are students from College of Environmental Design allowed to apply for HAAS, or only L&S students can apply </p>

<p>Anyone can apply to Haas. If you are accepted, are you planning to do a double major, or just Business Administration?</p>

<p>Are you sure about it ? I am glad to hear this because I just applied for CED before deadline. I don`t know if can handle the workload of a double.</p>

<p>I am absolutely positive you can apply to Haas. All Cal undergrads can. Are you thinking that you will only do one major and change to L&S if you are accepted to Haas? So is your question whether or not you will be allowed out of CED and into Haas if accepted, or if you will have to do a dual major???</p>

<p>Yes, you can still apply to Haas. I think they just ask that students not in L&S list Business as their primary major if they get accepted (since most students in other colleges are declared in that college).</p>

Am I allowed out of CED and into Haas if accepted