My current classes:
Dual-Credit Calculus
DC Physical Science
DC English Comp I
Accounting II
DC World Civilizations
Personal Finance
Today, a friend looked at my schedule and felt bad for me. She said that I was taking too many hard classes and that in the end, it isn’t worth it. I plan on attending a state college. Is it really worth it? I have a 3.8 cumlative GPA
This is an issue on which reasonable people don’t always agree, except that many of us probably do agree that it depends upon the student. Personally I think that many high school students take harder classes than they should, stress themselves out too much, and don’t gain much from it.
If you like these subjects and enjoy possibly being challenged, it’s fine. You will likely be able to use some of these for credit or placement in college.
If, on the other hand, there are lots of things you would rather be doing with your time other than studying, you could dial it back. This is highly personal.
Check the requirements for your state school, including those for scholarships and honors college, to understand what the pros and cons are.
You have 4 dual enrollment classes, so I assume 2 eaxh semester (since College classes go by the semester) ?
2 academic classes at the regular level and one elective.
It does not look so onerous - challenging but nor overly so - have you take AP or DC classes before?
With a 3.8uw, I assume you’re up for the challenge.
My only question is whether youve reached level 4 in a foreign language already (if not, see whether you can take a semester through DC, typically in languages college level 3= high school level 4.)