Are the PSATs useful for ANYTHING?

<p>I got an fairly high (234) PSAT. 80 CR, 77 M, 77 W. </p>

<p>Unfortunately, a high PSAT score seems useless other than getting National Merit Scholar, which I would have gotten whether I got a 240 or a 212 (I live in Florida). I have to know, is there ANY use anymore for a high PSAT score? </p>

<p>Yes, I already took the SAT, and got a good score on that, so that's not a concern to me.</p>

<p>very much, if you are applying to summer programs.</p>

<p>It didn’t do any use to me.</p>

<p>Useful to qualify for programs like Johns Hopkins’ CTY.</p>

<p>Not useful for me. It’s not as though $2500 which I probably won’t win is worth it anyway.</p>

<p>Actually, it can be $2500 for 4 years which is $10,000;
some students find that useful.</p>

<p>PSAT also gives student an idea of how prepared they are for the real SATs.</p>

<p>Dude, it’s really NOT about the $2500. If you get Finalist, many schools will give you full scholarships. Even if you’re just a semifinalist, colleges will try and recruit you–and if they want you, you get better fin aid.</p>

<p>I got several letters from several universities offering me a full ride if I put them down as my first choice college once I received my finalist notification. Not bad to fall back on if nothing else comes along.</p>