Are There Any Colleges That I Can Receive a Full Ride Scholarship with a 1480 SAT Score?

I recently received my SAT scores back, and I got a 1480 (with two 7s and an 8 in the essay portion) and was wondering if there was anywhere I could go to college with a full ride for that. I do believe I would qualify for financial aid at most if not all places, as my parents do not make that much money. My grades are also good, I have a 4.02 GPA. My options are open, as I do not mind travelling far around the country, so anywhere would be fine. I also am open in regards to the type of school, as I have not fully found what I would like to major in. Any advice/help would be appreciated, thank you so much! If you know of any schools that would offer full ride/full tuition scholarships for my SAT score or GPA, please list them, thank you!

University of Alabama, Huntsville would offer you full tuition based on your GPA and SAT (but would not cover room and board). You can google “automatic scholarships based on GPA and test scores.” Also, for each school in which you are interested run the Net Price Calculator.

Your instate colleges may be your best bet with their honor colleges within the schools.

Check the thread at the top of this forum on automatic full tuition and full rides.

Here is that thread. You will need to start at post 1 because folks digressed and started asking specific questions…it was supposed to be a thread JUST about schools offering automatic, guaranteed scholarships.

Check each college website you find…as policies do change.

Did you get a great PSAT score by any chance? Are you in the running for National Merit status?

If you think your family will qualify for need based aid, you should look up “colleges that meet full need” and run the Net Price Calculators for some that interest you. Run the NPCs for your in-state public universities too.

Many ‘meets full need’ schools are competitive with respect to grades and test scores, but you are going to be in the ballpark for many of them.

Washington and Lee University is a wonderful liberal arts college. They have a very generous merit scholarship that provides a full ride (or at least full tuition) to a significant percentage of each entering class. I’m sure it is quite competitive but that SAT score would have to get you a good look.

I had similar scores and got (almost) full rides at Penn State and Pitt

You’re instate for those schools. .An OOS Student would not get that.

Also…what exactly was in your aid pkg


Those are not almost full rides

University of Oregon might be a school to check out.