<p>on here who don't have 4.0's and don't take AP classes like me?</p>
<p>I majorly messed up this year... :(
My GPA is going to drop soooo much</p>
<p>on here who don't have 4.0's and don't take AP classes like me?</p>
<p>I majorly messed up this year... :(
My GPA is going to drop soooo much</p>
<p>yes, but not me. sorry.</p>
<p>You’re screwed.</p>
<p>Not really… I don’t appreciate the sarcasm.</p>
<p>If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your GPA? I’m sure mine is worse!</p>
<p>At the end of my freshman year I had a 4.2</p>
<p>and now I think I may have about a 3.5… maybe lower</p>
<p>both of those are weighted, I think.</p>
<p>I got 3 C’s for end of the year grades this year.
That’s why I feel so bad about my grades.</p>
<p>I got two C’s at the end of second semester, and a D at the end of frist. (That has a real story behind it, so we’ll see how that works out on app’s. I need to re-take it though.) </p>
<p>I have a 3.1-3.2 UW GPA. It sucks.</p>
<p>Aw, I thought it was gonna be something exciting, like “other psychics” or “aliens.”</p>
<p>Yeah, that’s probably what I have UW. I don’t really know what my current GPA is, or how to calculate the UW.</p>
<p>Yeah, I had a really hard year for another reason that probably impacted my grades.
I definitely care about school, and I work really hard in some areas, but I don’t know…
Geometry was HARD.</p>
<p>I’m glad I’m not alone here. I really like it because the college admissions process interests me, and it has since my brother went through it. And now that’s its coming up for me, I figured I could learn a few more things, but I’m definitely not an overachiever like most others on here.</p>
<p>Do you know what college you want to go to/want you want to major in?</p>
<p>I’m looking into Kenyon, Bard (and Bard Conservatory), Reed, Bennington, Middlebury, Lewis and Clark College (Not to be confused with Lewis Clark State College), Maybe Iowa (I’m apprehensive big time with their 80% acceptance rate, although going there might be my only option with my GPA), </p>
<p>I’m looking into being an English or Linguistics major. After that I’d like to go to get my teaching certificate/go through grad school. After grad school I’d like to go to business school and end my life owning a book store.</p>
<p>All you can do is look ahead and do your best to get an amazing GPA next year. It won’t help you much to dwell on the past.(: Unless of course you just finished your senior year… then do your best in college![=</p>
<p>Haha nah, next school year I’ll be a juniorrrr.
And I should be able to bring my GPA up a lot. This year I had some really hard teachers, but next year I’m taking easier classes bc I don’t want to be too overwhelemed, and I have a good schedule.</p>
<p>psh school is overrated
im happy with my 3.16uw
local community college (or McDonalds) here I come!!!</p>
<p>I take lots of AP classes, but my GPA is only 3.8401.</p>
<p>Are you taking AP’s junior year? Cuz a lot of schools don’t offer many APs until junior year. If you are and you do well in them, you should be A-OK.</p>
<p>Im in the EXACT same boat.</p>
<p>I’ll have like a 3.789 after finishing summer school for the unreasonable ds i got. I took like, 3APs and 4Hs between soph to jun year. But i still have a ton of Cs though</p>
<p>Calm Down. 3 C’s are not the end of the world. Will it be more difficult to get into HYPMS? Yes, but its a crapshoot to get into those schools anyway. There are over 3000 colleges out there, and you’ll find one that is a great place for you. The “elite” colleges are not for everyone just as state schools are not for everyone. You can still get into some amazing schools even if you have 3 C’s/</p>
<p>Buckle down and work harder next year if you’re not satisfied with your grades. What kind of schools were you looking at anyway?</p>
<p>about 3.79, some honors but no AP’s I’m probably going to do Running Start, a program in WA where juniors and seniors in hs can enroll full-time at a community college and earn dual-enrollment credit. Or I might study abrod w/ rotary
I’ll see what happens!</p>
<p>Er, I don’t have a 4.0…
I made a 4.2 this year though =) I have taken few Ap’s too.</p>
<p>I also am in sort of the same boat.</p>
<p>He/She means 4.0 as in UNweighted GPA.</p>