Omg omg what do i do!!

<p>lol, jk just wanted an attention getter lol</p>

<p>anywya, i asked this quesiton before, but I didn't get any responses, so i posted in a different forum</p>

<p>I am just very curious as to whether my GPA over the last 3 years will be good enough for Stanford/ UC Berk/ UC Davis, etc. </p>

<p>Ok here goes..</p>

<p>Frosh year: I had a 4.0 first semester (took 2 advanced courses, not honors or AP, just more advanced than the regular class). 2nd semester, I went deaf and my GPA went down to a 3.5. I guess I was sorta depressed about this and let my grades fall but o well.</p>

<p>Soph year. Remember I'm still dealing with this incident. 1st semester: 3.7; 2nd semester: 3.8 (I took 2 AP, and 1 honors course)</p>

<p>Juniro Year: 1st semester: 4.1 GPA (3 APs (all my school has to offer)); 2nd semester just started like 2 weeks ago so yea.</p>

<p>One question about junior year tho, I dropped my AP calc BC class due to enormous stress and not being able to cope. Will this affect me for admissions? I know I'm ahead of a lot of people, but I'm not sure whether this will look good- btw I TA for the class, so I'm still learning somewhat I guess.</p>

<p>Senior Year: TBD</p>

<p>Anyway my question is, will my "bad to ok" GPA be looked down upon? My parents say that while my GPA is ok, it might not be good enough agaisnt the others who have like 4.5,4.6, etc. I'm just a little worried about this lol</p>

<p>Thanks in advance. No negative comments please =)</p>

<p>depends, are these GPA’s weighted or unweighted</p>



<p>write an essay about that</p>

<p>ya the gpa is weighted (well the APs are)…and yea i was thinking bout doing that</p>

<p>Write an essay about being deaf.</p>



<p>Sir, we have a gold mine of an essay here.</p>

<p>gold mine indeed. if you maintain these grades while dealing with your impairment, sir you are looking good.</p>

<p>thanks guys haha</p>

<p>rlly? i should write about that?</p>

<p>how could you not?</p>

<p>ok lol ill write about it haha</p>