Are these schools good enough??

<p>Okay, so here’s the deal:</p>

<p>For middle school I went to a small magnet school for the arts where I was a theatre major. My class had about 140 kids, and you had to audition to get into the school.</p>

<p>For high school, I decided I didn’t want a career in the arts, so I transferred to my home public high school. The whole entire student body there was about 3,000. I hated it. I went there for all of 9th grade, and quarters 1 through 3 of 10th grade. I did terrible grade wise, and could never get involved in extra cirriculars because it was so competitive.</p>

<p>So then, last quarter of 10th grade, I transfeered to a private Baptist high school, my whole class consists of 9 people, including me. I was finally able to get involved and pull some good grades. We don’t have honors, college prep, etc. </p>

<p>So here’s what I’ve got so far:</p>

<p>GPA: Right now, overall I <em>think</em> it’s a 2.55-2.6 (maybe)
Rank: ? out of 9
SAT: Haven’t taken it quite yet.</p>

<p>8th Grade:
French I 82%</p>

<p>9th Grade:
(I’m kind of doing this from memory)
Freshmen Focus (required) 96%
Health and Wellness (required) 75%
Algebra 1 CP-B 82%
French II CP-B 70%
English I CP-B 82%
Global Studies I CP-B 77%
Physical Science CP-B 75%/78%
PE I 78%</p>

<p>10th Grade:
(Quarters 1-4, Public and Private School (final averages))
Journalism I 85%
Law Education CP-B 93%
English II CP-B 74%
Global Studies II CP-B 77% (Don’t really remember this one)
Spanish I CP-B (Quarter 3=60%) I had to drop it because I switched schools and we were on block scheduling and I couldn’t take it at the new school.
Computer/Keyboarding 92%
Biology I CP-B 75/78%
Geometry I CP-B 83%</p>

<p>So, I ended up doing much, much, much better at the private school and I had close to a 4.0 GPA from 4th quarter. I’m shooting for one junior year!! Unfortuneatly, my grades from quarters 1-3 were terrible and had to be salvaged by the good grades at the new school.</p>

<p>Foreign Language:
I realize most schools require 2, however a few on my list require 3. I've only taken French I and did alright (8th grade), and French II (9th grade) and just barely passed. I MAY do Spanish I or French III at a community college next summer. However, I don't do well in foreign language, so I'm not quite sure what to do, because my school doesn't offer them to juniors and seniors because of our size. </p>

<p>Extra Cirricular’s:
-Varsity Cheerleading
11th grade-Captain
12th grade-(hoping for captain again)
-Varsity Volleyball (11, 12)
-Competitive Figure Skater (3 years)
-Drama Club (11,12) (Founder)
-Varsity Softball (11,12)</p>

<p>Volunteer Work:
-Middle school cheerleading coach (unpaid, obviously)
-1st and 2nd grade cheerleading coach (unpaid, obviously)</p>

<p>Work Experience:
-Receptionist at real estate office (1 Year)
-Summer day care camp counsler at my high school/church school (3 summers)</p>

<p>SAT Prep: I’m going to be taking that as well so I can make sure I get some good SAT scores or ACT scores.</p>

I’m an instate resident of South Carolina
Also, I'm not sure weather or not to apply early??? Help on that also is appreciated!</p>

<p>Winthrop- INTERESTED!!! VERY!
USC Beaufort
College of Charleston- ALSO VERY INTERESTE!
Anderson College
Costal Carolina
Charleston Southern University
-I am planning on majoring in elementary education.-</p>

<p>Alright, so I just want to know my chances, and what to do to help my chances at these schools. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!!</p>

<p>I don't know why no one ever answers my posts on here... bump.</p>

<p>This post is almost all for the elite (top 25) schools and many have little knowledge about those schools. Your best bet is to look at acceptance rates and test scores/GPA distribution at or on each school's website (try looking at their common data set) to see where your numbers fall and whether or not you believe you will be admitted.</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>