Are they smarter???????? And why???

<p>Hi! Okay, before i get into this, i should try to explain my race.
My dad was born in Haiti; his dad is full black and his mom is taino/black/french.
My mom is born here, but her grandma was born in haiti.
so im like, 75% haitian.
Does/has anyone noticed that black kids whose parentw werent born here do better in school than the kids whose parents were born here? This is semi-true for me, since i live only with my mom now. I do a lot better than the other black kids in my school. And im one of the only black kids who takes ap. </p>

<p>Is it because we speak a second language and have better morals than they do?</p>

<p>you are generalizing an entire race of people because of one isolated observation.
human beings are human beings. some try hard and some don’t. some excel in school and others excel in different areas. we’re all products of where we come from and the culture we were raised in, but you cannot make generalizations of africans/islanders vs. african-americans.</p>

<p>my mother is african american and my dad is ethiopian. both of my parents push me to challenge myself educationally. both of my parents are successful. one is an immigrant and one is not.</p>

<p>i hate the way you worded your question. you sound completely condescending and ignorant.
“is it because we speak a second language and have better morals than they do” (honestly sir or ma’am, get a brain).</p>

<p>MAYBE you were asking: do first-generation africans succeed over african-americans, and why?
WELL…first generation parents generally want to seize the opportunity america offers. (usually that is why they have immigrated). so they MAKE SURE their kids are excelling.
-this is actually a very interesting to look at in the asian community. (but that’s beside the point)-
…however, many black american parents do the same. they’ve found opportunity and want their kids to seize it.
so in the end, you are not smarter.</p>

<p>you excel because your parents are taking charge of the opportunity presented to them. GENERALLY, opportunity is more apparent to the immigrant than to the native. HOWEVER, this is not always the case!</p>

<p>open your eyes, and get your head out of your butt. i’m sure there are some stellar black-americans around you.</p>



<p>I lold so hard.</p>

<p>better morals…? that’s a good one</p>

<p>the fact that you supposedly do better than the black kids in your school means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things I hope you realize…</p>

<p>Maybe you should have cut out the “better morals” comment- at the risk of offending others. However, african immigrants generally do better than african americans honestly b/c of what decanela said- the 1st generation effect. The same phenomenon was found with hispanics too. 1st generations often try to seize everything america offers. Furthermore, many times 1st generation children have suffered through hardships and this provides an impetus to do well.
Also, 1st generation africans are not as deeply ensconced in the American stereotype of African male as a rapper or gangster. Furthermore, many African immigrants were engineers or doctors in their home countries so they bring their expanded vocabulary and knowledge/ put their kids through school.</p>

<p>On the other hand, the black middle class has increased by at least 50% since the 1960’s (CNN). So, obviously african americans are also intelligent,.</p>

<p>To make a sensible argument- one cannot say africans are smarter or dumber than african americans. i have seen brilliant African Americans and really stupid african immigrants and vice versa. So are they smarter- maybe; maybe not. It really all depends on ambition and other personal factors.
I hope I haven’t offended anyone.</p>

<p>no offense taken for nil.
the op is a little offensive though…</p>

<p>Wow. It’s kind of wrong…no, it IS wrong to generalize a whole group as if we all act the same. I speak 3 languages, and I’m African-American. If you wanna talk morals, let’s talk morals. I’ve never been pregnant or even had sex. I’m waiting until marriage for all of that. I don’t get drunk, smoke, or party like my peers (I mean I go out, but I’ve never partied like the kids at school). I make good grades (I’ve NEVER had a C in my life), and my parents have never pressured me nor have they had to. I take the initiative. I see my counselor on a regular basis, my mom emails her every other week, and I always check to see what new opportunities there are. I signed myself up for the SAT and ACT tests and self-studied for them just b/c I wanted to see what I’m capable of. I got accepted to a program at Princeton that preps you for ACT and SAT tests amongst many other components. I’ve maintained a 4.5 GPA while still striving to obtain my IB diploma. </p>

<p>I don’t understand why a lot of blacks from other countries have this negative attitude toward blacks in America. It’s not right. We’re all striving to get into the nation’s best colleges, so why can’t we all realize that we should help build each other up instead of knock each other down?</p>

<p>^ I like you</p>

<p>Yes, the OP’s comments were simple and ignorant, but it is a fact that overall, immigrants of African descent do a lot better than African immigrants. And it’s a fact that we don’t know why. The idea of a first and second generation effect only works when you ignore certain groups. Eg: First & second generation Hmong, Cambodian, and Vietnamese people in America have very high HS drop out rates, 62%, 56%, and 52%, if I remember correctly. We shouldn’t ignore this gap, we should investigate its causes.</p>

<p>@eating food- Thanks. I tell it how it is. I mean, don’t stereotype me for the people you see at your school because I’m not a d@mn statistic. I understand that it may be true, but d@mn at least put your rude comments out in there in a constructive way.</p>

<p>EX: First generation African immigrants tend to do better than African-Americans in school. Does anyone have a clue why this may be? Do stereotypes play a role such as the lack of language skills or lack of morals, hmmm…?</p>

<p>I would’nt have chewed you apart had you done that. It’s all good though. You’re dismissed.</p>

<p>^^i think some of the causes are apparent. the question really is how do we go about dealing with these problems.</p>

<li>wouldn’t </li>

<p>@BananaSandwich- This type of situation always comes up. It seems like as people of African descent, we all tend to fight against each other like some d@mn fools. Stupid. You realize that the person you knock down may be the person you need later on in life. We’re all going for the same goal: getting into good colleges, being successful, etc. Why compare each other? Why showboat? We’re all doing the same exact thing, so I think helping each other and uniting together is better than saying “I do a lot better than the other black kids in my school.”</p>

<p>You are telling me something I already know. Yes the Op is ■■■■■■■■ but the underlying question is still valid. African American students score lower than almost any other culture even those in third world countries. Why? There are a number of obvious reasons such as poverty, past discrimination, the culture of “dumb” that persists in popular culture (and is painfully displayed by the Op’s ignorance regarding the morals and intelligence of AAs. I also find it kind of funny that he referred to his classmates as “they.” Like they had different genes or something), but there has to be something else. Other cultures have experienced hardships and yet have not suffered in this fashion for as long as the AA race has. There are growing numbers of students in college/selective schools and a growing middle class, but AAs still make less money on average than any other major race in America including Hispanics. They are more likely to live in poverty and tend to drop out of school at larger percentages than other races. There is even a separation starting to occur within the black race between the poor and everyone else. I do happen to believe much of this is due to the unique history of African Americans- seeing as how what we’ve endured is, for the most part, unique only to America and is the national shame; and in a lot of ways is continuing today- but how long will it stay this way? Obviously we are the only ones that can and will help us. So the question is, how do we start to heal? How do we finally “overcome” and stop being hindered by the past? How do we achieve the full potential that every human is capable of? I think it’s something worth discussing. Maybe I should start another thread.</p>

<p>Wow…"Is it because we speak a second language and have better morals than they do? "…tisk, tisk. There aren’t enough adjectives in the english language to describe how insulting this is.</p>

<p>@Banana- It’s not a rant, if the OP himself is ranting. I’m not saying it’s not true. I’m saying, if you want respect in replies, then dish out something a bit respectful instead of making hasty generalizations. I could easily say, “African immigrants do better in school b/c they’re more favored in America than African-Americans.” Anyone can pull a fact out and twist it to their own benefit. The FACT is that yes, African immigrants tend to do better, but the QUESTION is why…Rather than JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS. Let’s discuss them. Personally, I think that some African-Americans are too quick to blame “the white man” for their problems and expect things to be handed to them. I also think there’s this mentality in a lot of young men that since the statistics show that they’ll be dead or in jail by 25, why not stick to what is “predestined” for them…I’ve heard plenty of guys say it. </p>

<p>So don’t defend the OP by saying yeah he’s dumb but it’s true. I never said it wasn’t true. I just didn’t like the hasty generalizations. At least he could’ve rephrased it better or something (if possible).</p>

<p>To answer your question, we can’t overcome if we don’t want to overcome. To start the healing process, it has to be known that something needs to be done. I know a lot of people from older generations have a lot of pride and are set in their ways. Some of them will say there is no problem or that everything is fine. It’s hard for them to look back at the past b/c of how bad it hurt them. There’s more resentment than anything, so I think that’s why people of the older generation take so much offense when the young people marry people of different ethnicities (mainly white) or become “an Oreo” and succeed.</p>

<p>Also, I don’t think another thread is needed esp. if the conversation is already out in the open. It’s not my choice, and it doesn’t matter if it’s here or there to be honest.</p>

<p>What the OP said was out of clear ignorance…“is it because we speak a second language…?”
FYI the majority of African immigrants speak English as their FIRST language.
Why do African immigrants (and first generation AA’s) do better academically than African American’s? It is basically what decanela said in her post: My parents, who are both African immigrants, push me to my greatest potential in order to be at the top of my academics. however keep in mind that there are a handful of African American parents who push their children as well. In other words, let’s stop making hasty generalizations and think a bit before you post.</p>

<p>I agree with missy411, what the OP said was a generalization that just isn’t true. I’ve met plenty of smart African-Americans as well as smart Africans. Ranting about a stereotype that you think is true is pretty counterproductive if you ask me.</p>


I agree with this completely.</p>

<p>my parents are unendingly racist against blacks from america. (we’re first gen immigrants too). my mom is the worst. she always tells me and my sister not to be ever associated with american black girls who dress like theyre in a rap video to school or i’ll catch AIDS. the immediate next day, an old white man overtook her on the freeway and she turned to me and said “white people think they own the roads. its racist” my mom is just…my mom…
OH-- another thing. see, in her weird mind, all american black mothers got pregnant at 16. im getting annoyed just writing about it. i have this odd, twisted --whatever you want to call it-- idea. her opinions make me want to get pregnant from a “stupid” black guy just to **** her off…</p>

<p>^^bleh it’s obvious nobody understands where i’m coming from. i get it it’s offensive, everybody know that. the “stereotype” however while proven untrue in some ways is dead on in others. i’m not saying aas are dumber overall. i’m saying in the american educational system they are obviously behind. it’s not just education i believe whatever is hindering some aas in america is the same thing that causes this infighting between africans/aas ect. it’s a big interwoven circle. i wanted to open up a convo about this. but everyone is still in some other mode. i give up :/</p>