Are your pets’ names on trend?

I got my first pet, a parakeet, got my sixth birthday. I named her Bimbo. :sweat_smile:


Steve the cat!

I love it when people give their pets human names. I was at the beach once and this guy was playing Frisbee with his dog. The dog was called Dave. Still cracks me up.

@MaineLonghorn hilarious! Why!


We had a beagle named Bruce Springsteen.


I’ve had 2 cats, one lived to 20, the other is 11. Both named Baby.


Takes the guess work out of naming them, right?

My mom had three dogs in her later years. One was called Baby. The next on was called Sinatra. The next one was called Baby Sinatra.

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I was surprised Jones (from Alien) wasn’t on the list for a cat, though I did read it quickly. We have a Jones now. And a Tebow (younger S named him long ago after the quarterback), a Ginger, and a Dembe (from Blacklist). We also have Wolf Cat the porch kitty.

In the past, we’ve had a Moe, Kitty, Claire, Hokie, and Chester. Our dog was Maggie.


We’ve had 2 dogs. I’m sure Charlie is on the popular dog name list but ours was named after an actual friend named Charlie.

Our current dog is named after a Great Lake - Huron. :canada:


No idea. Of course I didn’t understand the connotation!

First dog was Zoe. Second dog was Max.

We live by Wrigley field in Chicago near a street Bosworth…by Roscoe

I can’t tell ya how many people daily we meet with dogs name Wrigley and Bosworth and Roscoe. Lol. I always think to myself… "did you really think it was so original :thinking::rofl::eyes:

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I know a little girl named Agnes and a little girl named Frances!

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I also know a Frances, but she is a teenager now :slight_smile:

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They are lovely names, I always enjoyed the Frances the Badger stories.

Our cats are grumpy so the old lady names definitely work for them.

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We almost named one of our cats Dave, but had too many human Daves around. Switched it to Ted and it totally fits him as a chonky buff colored cat.

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We’re thinking about getting a doodle and naming him Elvis.

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Our dogs were named for strong female characters on the TV shows we watch together in the evenings. First dog was from Star Trek Deep Space Nine (the guys were in middle school), current dog is named for someone on NCIS.

Two syllables, not embarrassing to shout if necessary, not cutesy.

We have 2 Siamese cats. The one with black paws is named Boots and the one with white paws is named Almond Bark. The cats are sisters from the same litter, the kids named them. :slight_smile:


I had a Molly once, 20-10 years ago. She was a terrier mix, schnauzer and silky. She was a holy terror, a hilarious dog. I miss her.

My current pup is the Vizsla (or mostly Vizsla) Elroy. He’s a good boy. Very, very, very energetic.

We had two havanese dogs: Dusty (AZ Dust Devil was her full name) and Indiana Joan (she was born in Indiana) who we called Indy or Nana. They were named by the breeder and we got them at about a year old so didn’t change the names but they were fitting!

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I have had:

Tinsel – Poodle
Beau – Lab
Angus – Scottie
Pepper – Beagle

The name has always seemed the fit the personality. Tinsel was old when I was born, but was always a prissy, well behaved, little man. Beau was your outdoor dog who loved to chase tennis balls (we had a wrought iron gate and he would roll the ball down the driveway to people walking in the neighborhood. Everyone knew Beau. Everyone played ball. Why wouldn’t you when a tennis ball rolls by you?). Angus was a gentle sole who never barked, liked to sit in your lap or by the front door and watch the world go by. He never barked. He would “woof”, politely. Pepper is a crazy beagle. She cannot walk in a straight line, is ruled by her nose, lives for her walks to investigate her neighborhood, and loves to eat (mainly veggies).

I have been blessed by wonderful dogs.


Current dog is Roger after Roger Federer. My daughter’s dog is Margarita (Rita) and their cat is Corona(they got her in March of 2020).