Aren't the requirements for the password ridiculous ?

<p>I just got the email with the username and activation code and it asked for like undercase lowercase number or symbol. Wth its a cornell admissions account why does it need so much security?</p>

<p>Choose a Strong Password</p>

<pre><code>* Choose at least 8 characters, including at least three of the following four character types:
1. Uppercase letters
2. Lowercase letters
3. Numbers
4. Symbols found on your keyboard, such as ! * - () : | / ?

<p>This is similar to the collegeboard password requirement…</p>

<p>Pretty standard for any kind of password you’d consider remotely strong. There’s a lot of personal information behind your account: access to your meal plan, your bill, your dining contract, housing contract, email, graduation summary, etc.</p>

<p>be lucky you get to generate your own password…</p>

<p>and it doesnt have to be too hard…it can just be like a name + atm pin/zip code/birth year</p>

<p>That explains it</p>

<p>Not that bad.</p>

<p>Penn’s was ridiculous, though. I mean, fifteen characters?</p>

<p>yeah that’s not too bad. For georgia tech, they made us do the same.</p>

<p>tis ■■■■■■■■, the person should have a choice. blame it on the person if his/her account gets accessed by someone else</p>

<p>You do realize that if someone has access to your account, he/she can withdraw your application?</p>

<p>ahahah it was ridiculous - i failed like 13 times… definitely the hardest part of the application…</p>

<p>I don’t really care about that reestriction because my passwords are always like that anyway.I think people should take password security seriously. Losing your account because of a weak password is no laughing matter.
I originally used “bPW4CU=C0rn3llN0t3s!” as mine.
Then I decided to just say screw it and randomly generate 40 characters as my password. There’s a little something called KeePass… use it. Love it.</p>

<p>i failed like 4 times trying to get it. but i always forget the passwords that i only use once. I wish each college did decisions and material check from commonapp . that would be awesome.</p>

<p>im too lazy to worry about what if someone got into your account and did something bad. its like i dont put 5 locks on my doors and windows worrying that someone might jump in and shoot me</p>