My daughter got accepted to both and is trying to decide. She is planning to major in psychology (that could change though) and she really likes Art and hopes to minor in it. Can you tell me with of these schools is stronger in the Arts and psychology type majors, even though, she MAY change psychology in the future. Does anyone know where I can go to research which schools are strong in which areas? Thanks.
What is SCU? Santa Clara University?
Especially if your daughter is already saying that she may change her major - she should be focused on the holistic experience of the school itself, not just a specific major. Most good colleges have good liberal arts & sciences majors, and psychology is one that’s pretty ubiquitous. She could get a good psychology education at either. So I think she should think beyond that and think about the environment and atmosphere that the two provide and whether she prefers one or the other.
Yes it is Santa Clara University. The reason I ask is because I have heard that not all good colleges have good Art offerings and some are stronger in Psychology than others. For example, I understand that Cal Poly is a good school but puts very little emphasis on the arts and humanities programs and I have read in some posts for kids that the programs are underfunded and the teachers are not the best. This is why I am asking, just trying to get other opinions on those programs at Santa Clara and Tulane. Thanks.