Art college social life

<p>just a lightheartedd is the social life at the art college you go to? It would be cool if anyone has gone to either SVA or Parsons seeing I'm going to one of those colleges.
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<p>haha....I was wondering about that too. :D like RISD's social life...</p>

<p>Ahh i'm trying to decide between Parsons and SVA as well. I've got friends at both schools...</p>

<p>I've heard that Parsons is very strict and the workload is intense. But y'know, you get used to it eventually. Weekends are spent clubbing and doing whatever around the city and then skipping sleep to do homework& projects.</p>

<p>SVA kids are a little more liberal and crazy. They are notorious for partying. They don't just save it for the weekends. However that means they do not sleep at all because SVA also pushes a lot of homework& projects. It's probably not as intense as Parsons but there will be quite a bit of work being assigned to get used to.</p>