<p>I have a very specific question about NEU:</p>
<p>As an International Business major (where much of the curriculum seems to be set in stone), is there room to take an elective such as Photography? I would be coming in with 20 to 40 advanced placement credits, but if I was accepted to the Honors program, I would likely take Honors courses as well.</p>
<p>...And a general question about Art Departments:</p>
<p>Do most colleges (or specifically, Northeastern) allow non art majors to take art electives? I think I stumbled across one or two that didn't. If Northeastern is one of those schools, are there non-credit courses or clubs for art related subjects?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>Isn’t there an art requirement in the NU core? I think you’re supposed to take some arts classes regardless of your major, or at least one class, according to this page: [NU</a> Core Overview](<a href=“http://www.northeastern.edu/registrar/nucore.html]NU”>http://www.northeastern.edu/registrar/nucore.html)
As an incoming freshman with that same range of AP credits I was able to place out of two classes and take an arts class to fill the core (which is also an honors class - you can take care of both those requirements at once in some cases) along with a language class, though I’m a journalism major so there is a little more flexibility there I believe.
Hope that helps some!</p>
<p>I knew about the NU Core but I was thinking that Art was non studio art or more like Columbia’s Art Humanities thing which is more academic. Apparently not, yay!</p>
<p>After clicking on your link and going through the course catalog (not for the first time, but this time with more luck…) I found this: ARTD 2350 - “Photo Basics for Nonmajors”!!! That particular class doesn’t count for NU Core I don’t think, but there’s a studio art class or two that does
So there’s my answer, thank you so so much!</p>
<p>International Business is a BS degree, meaning you need a “Arts and Humanities” core (as opposed to one “Arts” and one “Humanities” core). A good portion of the classes that count for these two subject areas are academic, not studio, based.</p>
<p>I have a friend in computer science who is a dual multimedia studies major, so he’s required to take art classes (2D, video basics, animation, etc). However because the Registrar is stupid and doesn’t have his specific combination of majors as one of the ones allowed to take these classes, he has to get an advisor to place him in every single semester. From what I’ve heard, it’s very hard to get in art classes without having a major that requires them. So if you want to take them, I advise at the very least e-mailing the Art department’s advisor and just asking about the process, etc. Hopefully they will say yes, but you may need to have them actually put you in the classes instead of just signing up for them on your own. The really low level ones (2D) might be open for everyone, but that means the competition to get in the class might also be high.</p>
<p>The main issue with that photo class is the scheduling. It is always offered at really really bad times for normal students. For instance, this fall one class is at 8am to 11:35am on Mondays, and then there is another class same time on Wednesdays. So even though you’ll only meet once a week, it means you can’t have ANY other morning classes on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday- which is when pretty much all core majors classes are held (8am, 9:15am or 10:30am). You could take a 1:35pm class or later, or Tuesday/Friday classes, but it would just be a really weird schedule that not many people can afford to have. It might not be possible for you to take the class until you are a junior or senior… except then you’ll be doing study abroad for BSIB…</p>
<p>Well that’s depressing… thanks for your (continued!) input though neuchimie :)</p>
<p>Maybe I’ll just talk my parents into getting me an awesome camera as a graduation present, and see what I can teach myself.</p>