<p>Ok so now that D has committed to NYU for studio art, I was wondering what actually happens in terms of supplies needed for classes.</p>
<p>Do professors send out supply lists or do schools charge a fee and provide for supplies?</p>
<p>I'd love to know what NYU does, but also what is done at other schools. How much additional money should I expect to pay?</p>
<p>Older D found out as a Freshman that voice lessons were provided with tuition, but not fees for an accompanist. So there were extra expenses of $25 to $50 per week that we hadn't expected. We were okay with it financially, but I wondered about the kids who didn't have the money and were then faced with this additional expense.</p>
<p>We later found that this policy is pretty standard for vocal performance majors in many programs.</p>
<p>Hi uskool. My dd is going to Ringling in the fall, and in their list of expenses for the year, they estimate that first year books and art supplies will come in around $2,700!!! I have no idea why yet, as we have not recieved a list of supplies (but I know that one will become available at some time before she goes to school). I also think I read somewhere that there is a package of supplies one can purchase from Ringling, but they do say that the student may already have some of the stuff. </p>
<p>I also believe there are earlier threads where people spoke about looking for deals on supplies on-line and that one can save money that way! Hope this helps.</p>
<p>Hi Phillyartmom! Congrats on your D going to Ringling! My D loved it there! When she went they gave a list of supplies and I was able to find almost all through Dick Blick on-line fairly cheap. Okay, not necessarily cheap but much less than the school store. And no where NEAR $2700!</p>
<p>A list would be nice, but at MCAD, it was a get your supplies as you go for each assignment. Fortunately they had an art supply store right at the school which was much cheaper than anything on-line. Plus, when the prof says, OK, your next assignment is a charcoal drawing on 17x17 illustration board, and it’s due in 4 days, you don’t want to be trying to get your supplies on line and hope they come in time.</p>
<p>Hi Gouf. Thanks for the info. I think that number included books too! I am hoping that we may have some of the supplies already and that I can get more from a store here that gives students a 30% discount or on-line. It is just such an added expense that I think lots of parents don’t think about when calculating costs! </p>
<p>Glad to hear that your dd liked Ringling. Has she graduated? Did she stay in Florida? I am kind of surprised that my dd wanted to go to Florida, but she so loved the school! Any insights? They would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>My D graduated a couple years ago with major in CA, happily employed and living in NY. She LOVED Ringling! I’m not sure I ever met any student there who did not like it. The career services are fantastic. Nice to say Ringling does not believe in “starving artists”.
She lived on campus all four years, first in the dorms (really nice) and then in the “Bayou” (campus apartments) which was great also.<br>
The campus has added some new buildings (most were being built while she was there) and they are beautiful.
The college has been buying up property around the campus which is slowly absorbing some of the “sketchy” areas you may read about in older posts. But she never felt unsafe–and if she did campus security was always around.
Being in CA she had a different experience than her illustration roommates. She used to laugh that just by looking at clothing (interior design students ALWAYS dress up) and the pace of walk (CA’s run to class) you could tell someone’s major. She was right!
No matter what major though one has to develop a thick skin for criticism and the ability to use it to grow as an artist. Which is hard because art is so personal. But “don’t take it personally” is a good mantra. The most successful students always seemed to be those who would swallow hard, accept the advice given and incorporate it into their next work.
My only other advice (via my D’s experience): treat the deadlines of assignments like you would in the real world. CA was brutal on this, illustration less so. But the employable students at the end are not only very talented but the ones who meet deadlines and turn in work that fits the criteria.
So exciting! She’ll love it!</p>
<p>Thanks Gouf. I laugh about the sketchy parts, as dd also looked at (and got into), among other schools Tyler at Temple (there was a shooting this summer off campus) and MICA. I think if she was willing to handle the “sketchiness” around those schools, she will manage at Ringling! As far as working through criticism, I think she will be good at that. She has been in a studio art program at high school and taken classes where she has had to deal with disappointment. Hopefully, it will only make her work harder. I will pass on your post to her! Thanks so much. I so happy that your dd is happily employed!</p>