Article saying Saban is the reason a lot of out of states kids chose UA

<p>Ah…6lambs! Haven’t heard from you for awhile…not since S1 was in the app process. Hope all is going well for you and all the other Lambs!</p>

<p>If I remember correctly, you’re from the NW area of the US? (I won’t name the actual state for privacy sake.)</p>

<p>Glad to hear that things have gone so well for S1 and now S2 will be attending. :)</p>

<p>My Alabama Freshman daughter had multiple choices all around the country. Football was not a factor in choosing, although she attended every home game and had viewing parties for the away games with her new found Bama friends. Football, camaraderie, and school spirit are the cherry on top of an already wonderful treat.</p>

<p>Money was no object, because we don’t have any. She was only allowed to apply where being smart or poor or both would get her a free ride. </p>

<p>When she stepped onto UA’s campus as a HS JR. she said she belonged there. No other school gave her that feeling. She still applied to 8 or 9 just in case she changed her mind. That didn’t happen, even with “better” choices.</p>

<p>She has made great friends, joined clubs, found a church, taken classes in her major, done research in her major, and publicly presented that research. She found she truly does love her major. She is planning for a semester abroad in Junior year. She lives in a beautiful dorm on a beautiful campus with friendly people. She has priority registration so will get all the classes she wants - for 2 majors and a minor. What’s not to love? </p>

<p>PS. M2CK, thank you again for sharing the benefits of being a NMS way back in 2009, as well as all your other financial aid knowledge. You truly made a difference in my D’s life. Without your postings, she would probably be attending the local commuter college - with loans. Heartfelt thanks being sent your way.</p>

<p>Ahhh…so happy to hear that everything is going so well for your amazing D!</p>

<p>{{{ hugs }}}</p>

All is well with us - hope the same for you & yours.
And, again, many thanks for all of your input during S1’s application process. We can’t say enough good things about his UA experience so far and all of the opportunities it has opened up for him.</p>

<p>If Saban was the determining factor, I would’ve forbid my daughter from applying to UA. Buy that wasn’t the case. Awesome engineering program, great scholarships, and the kindness of everyone ww dealt with in the application process.</p>

<p>Although my daughter is attending elsewhere, if she chose Bama I would been happy with or without their football program. Kudos for them for a job well done!</p>

<li>a lifelong fan of the Miami Dolphins :slight_smile:
(Nick Saban is a rough subject of conversation in our world LOL)</li>

<p>I always appreciate when people whose kids go elsewhere join in here in singing praises for UA, football or no football. I wish everyone could be as gracious, Carimama.</p>


<p>Congrats to your D that she’ll be attending MIT! :)</p>

<p>From the people I’ve talked to, the football program, while not “the reason” they chose BAMA, did put UA on their radar. </p>

<p>I would imagine there are a lot of people out there who at least considered going to bama, that wouldn’t have if it hadn’t been for the football program because outside the south, UA just isn’t on people’s radar as a choice of schools. </p>

<p>The football program we have is great publicity, and its value from a recruiting standpoint should not be underestimated.</p>

<p>We did not follow the SEC prior to college search, so Saban did not have a direct influence on our decision to look at UA. </p>

<p>The success of the football program has provided UA national level exposure AND the financial means to fund the academic scholarships we WERE using to identify schools for consideration. </p>

<p>College sports is definitely helping UA build a top notch student body and UA should be applauded for “doing it right.” I hope Saban continues to be successful and that by doing so he allows UA the opportunity to grow and improve and become a world class research university.</p>

<p>Could anyone share what kind of stats are necessary for what sounds like amazing merit from UA? Thanks!!</p>

<p>The OOS scholarships can be found below (the larger ones are towards the bottom), but we don’t know if they’ll change for the next app cycle. What are your test scores and GPA?</p>

<p>there are also large NMF/NA scholarships as well</p>


<p>Please review our FAQ section for details on the scholarships listed below.</p>


<p>An out-of-state first-time freshman student who meets the December 1st scholarship priority deadline, has a 27 ACT or 1210-1240 SAT score [critical reading and math scores only] and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a Capstone Scholar and will receive $1,500 per year ($6,000 over four years).</p>


<p>An out-of-state first-time freshman student who meets the December 1st scholarship priority deadline, has a 28-29 ACT or 1250-1320 SAT score [critical reading and math scores only] and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a Collegiate Scholar and will receive $3,500 per year ($14,000 over four years).</p>


<p>An out-of-state first time freshman student who meets the December 1st scholarship priority deadline, has a 30-31 ACT or 1330-1390 SAT score [critical reading and math scores only] and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a UA Scholar and will receive the value of 2/3 tuition* for four years.</p>


<p>An out-of-state first-time freshman student who meets the December 1st scholarship priority deadline, has a 32-36 ACT or 1400-1600 SAT score [critical reading and math scores only] and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a Presidential Scholar and will receive the value of out-of-state tuition* for four years.</p>

<p>*For scholarships awarded only by Undergraduate Admissions — If tuition is being paid by an outside source, with the exception of the Academic Common Market, the scholarship dollars may be used for other educational expenses (room, board, books, etc).</p>

<p>Oh, and if you’re an engineering or Comp Sci major, and you have at least an ACT 30 or M+CR 1330, then you’d get add’l scholarships from the Col of Eng’g.</p>

<p>Those who have the 2/3 tuition scholarship will get the add’l 1/3 scholarship PLUS 2500 from the Col of Eng’g. Scholarships total worth about $100k.</p>

<p>Those who already have free tuition, would also get the $2500 per year from the Col of Eng’g.</p>

<p>Again, we’re waiting to see if the awards change for the next app cycle. We don’t think they will, but waiting to see.</p>

<p>Since your son will be a CS major, then if he has at least a 3.5 GPA and a 30 ACT or M+CR 1330, then his awards would be free tuition plus 2500 per year (if awards don’t change for the next app cycle.)</p>

<p>MUST APPLY before Dec 1st. The app usually goes live in JULY, so apply THEN. The apps are easy (school app and scholarship app…no essays, no teacher recs).</p>

<p>mom2college kids, Thank you for the info and quick response. My DS school is so small that they do not do rankings/gpa, however, his grades average years 9-11 are just 88-90…so unfortunately I don’t think that will be equivalent to 3.5? We will have first SAT scores tomorrow…waiting patiently. In your opinion, would it be worth applying if SAT score fits criteria but GPA does not?</p>

<p>3.5 90 A
3.4 89 B
3.3 88 B</p>

<p>Hmmmm, are you sure his weighted grades wouldn’t be a little bit higher? Do you know what his grades will be for the end of this school year?</p>

<p>Are you including ALL GRADES including PE and electives? Even Religion classes are included.</p>

<p>I will take a closer look at all of those…don’t think I did include the 100’s in PE :slight_smile: Never knew! Will report back tomorrow and hopefully with good SAT scores!</p>

<p>Yes. alabama includes ALL GRADES.</p>

Well I reviewed all grades 9-11…Grade 9 GPA 87.3, Grade 10 GPA 87.6, Grade 11 Marking Periods 1-3 GPA 88.7. SAT scores are in… Reading 590/Math 710/Writing 740.<br>
Since the CR/M is only 1300 he definitely won’t qualify. This was first round…if he hits the 1400 on Sept exam…in your opinion are GPA scores to low to apply? </p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>tpcrd66- consider having him try the ACT as well. Some students seem to do better on one test vs the other. </p>

<p>re: the GPA, ask your schools GC if they have a way to change the % grade to a grade on a 4.0 schdeule.</p>

<p>Has he taken any weighted courses, like AP or honors? </p>

<p>Would he be going into one of the engineering programs?</p>

<p>Many kids find the ACT Math easier.</p>

<p>I don’t think there is a Sept SAT test. I think there is a Sept ACT test. </p>

<p>If he gets a high enough SAT, he should apply and see what they do.</p>

<p>Also, do you need merit in order to afford college? If so, then you need to also identify some schools that might give him merit with the lower GPA…like maybe Miss State or UAB. </p>

<p>I don’t think you’re going to get merit at schools ranked higher than Bama. Those schools require higher scores and often a 3.7+ GPA.</p>

<p>I’m hoping that ACT will hit 32 but this will be first attempt.
If I don’t have next SAT score until after Oct exam will that be “too late” to apply even though deadline I believe is 12/1.<br>
High hopes for 32…is that close/comparable to the 1300 SAT score perhaps?</p>

<p>Thank you!!</p>