Arts Supplement

Harvard doesn't accept the common app arts supplement, so i want to send them my short film, film resume, and film teacher reccomendation</p>

<p>how should i do it?</p>

<p>should i get one envelope with the resume reccomendation and dvd and send it to them?
that's what i did for princeton</p>

<p>or do i need to like split it up and put a url on the online supplement and so on....</p>

<p>Follow the guidelines for supplementary materials…</p>

<p>the guidelines say how to ship dvd’s and how to label them
they say nothing about a resume or reccomendation</p>

<p>Oh you can attach a resume; just make it succinct. I attached a resume with my creative writing supplement. As far as the recommendation, once again, I don’t see why not…just make sure it is succinct.</p>

<p>ok thanks.
i mean the recommendation isn’t succinct, but i can’t write it for my teacher
it is a very very good recc though, so it can’t hurt</p>

<p>Mmmmhmmm. If your recommendation isn’t like a research paper, then I am sure you will be fine. In fact, it might even strengthen your application :-). Good luck, lemonio!</p>

<p>Harvard DOES accept the Commonapp Arts Supplement. I emailed the office to ask, and they said they’d take my music supplement with our without the commonapp form, so I decided to do it with it, since other schools don’t use it. Yale and Princeton don’t accept the commonapp supplement. Yale uses its online uploads for most of its stuff, and Princeton has its own form. But Harvard will basically take anything you send them.</p>

<p>will it be a problem if i also send them my stuff in an envelope just in case?
because most schools have a thing that you check to say that they should look at the common app arts supplement and harvard doesn’t have one of those</p>

<p>Just follow the format that Harvard gives you…</p>