As a sophomore, is it to much too be taking both Honors Pre-Calculus and AP Stats?



<p>i bet this lasts all of three weeks.</p>

<p>it’s so easy to set ridiculously high standards for yourself and then burn yourself out. if you work 4 hours a night and go to school from 7:30 to 2:30 you’re putting yourself through an 11 hour work day. do not do this to yourself. that being said, your schedule is easy so you’re fine.</p>

<p>^ I do agree. Plus, my school day is going to be from 6 to 3:30 (since I’m taking a 0 period, and will have to wake up at 6), which is already a lot. I’m dropping AP Stats consequently, though, hoping it makes a change for the better.</p>

<p>good luck. ap stats kind of sucks anyway.</p>

<p>I believe taking stats and pre-calc with all of your other load and trying to get in extracurriculars will demolish your mind. I don’t think its such a great idea to put so much stress into your mind right now, you still have junior and senior year to think about. It may also be a long work schedule for you that you may have to drop some extracurriculars in order to study for tests and finish homework. Maybe dropping stats is a good idea, atleast you will have some time to hang out with friends and do other activities. If you are worried about getting into Yale, you need to worry more about other things than just how your classes will look on your transcript. I hope this advice helps!</p>