As expected didn't do well on the GRE

<p>So I took my GRE today and scored a 145 in both math and verbal (I felt pretty confident in writing but I'll have to see when my scores come back). Although this was better then my practice tests, I was scoring in the 130 zone in math, I still consider these to be poor scores as I'm sure most of you do. I'm 99% certain I will not be retaking the GRE on account that this is just what happens with me and standardized tests. I get anxiety, lose control, and my thinking becomes unclear. I decided to go with these scores and I sent them to four of my schools, UT Austin, Rice, Nebraska and Wisconsin. I still have to send my scores to Stanford. As stated before I have a 3.83 GPA (I go to a top state school), double major in biology and geology (history minor), and I'm currently doing research in both geology and biology with a senior thesis on the way (In geology). Applying for my M.S in geology now I understand the likely hood of me getting into Stanford and Rice is slim now because of this stupid useless test but I figure I'd give it a shot since the rest of my application is strong. I have two letters of rec from professors I did research with so that should give me an edge and all of these professors I contacted know my thesis advisor personally. Can anyone give me a honest opinion on where I stand with these schools ? Again I'm applying for my MS in geology. Do I have a shot at least with Nebraska or Wisconsin ? None of these schools have minimum GRE scores so I'm taking a chance with them. </p>

<p>I’m not familiar with the level of competition for seats in geology programs, but if Stanford and Rice are very selective in your area, they might screen your application on the basis of your GRE score before they even read the rest of it to save themselves some time. Sorry.</p>

<p>Will the retake come in time to send your (hopefully) improved scores before the app deadlines?</p>

<p>As has been said in previous threads, GRE is sometimes used for triage by highly selective programs such as Stanford and Rice. You certainly will have a better chance at Wisconsin and even better still at Nebraska. Add to it that for the M.S. standards are not quite the same as for Ph.D.</p>

<p>Okay I really like Nebraska so it wouldn’t be a big deal if I don’t get into Staford. Kind of sucks though that they won’t even look at my application because of the GRE but I was told that they’ll still give it a look. Rice what’ve been nice too especially since the professor there knows my thesis advisor </p>

<p>Can anyone clarify how competitive MS programs in geology are ?</p>

<p>Anybody have any idea ?</p>

<p>Why don’t you talk to the professors with whom you’ve done research and who have written letters of recommendation for you? Wouldn’t they know which geology programs are the most competitive?</p>

<p>Wow. It’s pretty remarkable that you brought your Q score up 15 points, though! </p>

<p>Like the others, I’m unable to comment on various geology programs or your chances for them, but I agree that your current mentors/profs/advisors may be able to tell you how your application might fare with your prospective schools.</p>

<p>So sorry that you weren’t happy with your scores, but congrats on bringing that Q score up so much!</p>

<p>Thanks haha</p>

<p>Apparently he said that the GRE matters everywhere but he can’t say anything until I get the percentages back. I added 3 schools to my list, Texas A&M, Virgina Tech and university of Massachusetts </p>