I think we are all going away from the thread. This is for those kids who put their heart and soul in to working hard for 4 years to get to their dream school and who did not make it. It is not for discussing which educational system is the best.
I think you should read my post, in the thread in the context of what was being said. The post was in response to ThatWasZen’s post who was wondering what if there was a realistic correlation between the admission to the IVYs and future performance of these kids in the real world.
I did not say that IVYs are admitting kids who do not deserve to be admitted. It is a system and you have to play the system to get what you want. The system in several “foreign” countries emphasize grades. In those countries too, there are millions of deserving kids who are brilliant who do not get to go to college because they did not get the “grade” to make it.
Similarly at this time, the system here places emphasis on being “holistic”. I agree it is great to have a kid who is holistic, smart, driven and brilliant. There are 1000s of them here. But just as in any system,there are 100000s of kids who may other wise be practically great but not meet the “criteria” of being holistically, holistic.
Regarding whether I want my kids to go to IVYs, it is their choice and not my choice. I am not being hypocritical, but I am in the system and I have to work with the system, whether I like it or not. In my personal opinion, a good state college can provide as good an education as any IVY or selective LAC.
If the child is smart enough, he or she will find a way in life to succeed. It is not the school that makes the kid, but it is the kids who raise the standards of the school and “make a name” for the school. In fact I may end of saving several 10s of thousands of dollars if they choose to go to a public, state funded school.
So let us all chill, and hope we do not pass on our bigotic, bias to the future generation. Whether you like it or not, America is multi cultural, multi racial and democratic. We are all entitled to our opinions, whether you may like it or not, or agree with it or not.
By the way We Do Have A Black President, if you have noticed. And in my opinion he is performing as well as any other past president, if not better than some.