Asian Eyes...

<p>So, I'm Asian and have a pretty small eyelid fold (you know what I mean...) and I absolutely HATE it. I'm actually considering getting surgery to increase the fold when I'm older. Since CC is fairly anonymous, I want to know if any non-Asians think Asians with "small eyes" are attractive.</p>

<p>Umm… well I don’t think surgery is needed and to tell you the truth, I actually do think that Asians with “small eyes” are attractive. My first girlfriend was Asian and she had “small eyes”, but I thought it was cute. =]</p>

<p>Modulation, stop being so insecure; small eyes are attractive.</p>

<p>I remember seeing this bizarre commercial about a tool that makes creases in Asian eyes.</p>

<p>ETA: found it, it’s called Eye Talk - [url=<a href=“]makeup”>]makeup</a> lesson<a href=“It’s%20in%20Japanese”>/url</a></p>

<p>surgery to get eye lids?! i have a friend who hates her lids-- or lack of them-- but she uses a bunch of makeup and it makes her eyes look nice. I think you should learn to be comfortable with the way you look… you’ll find someone who loves your small eyes! i don’t particularly care about the size of guys’ eyes, just that they can open them wide enough to look into, lol</p>

<p>lol im not asian but use makeup on them don’t do surgery… by the way im so getting LASIK (hate wearing contacts)</p>

<p>wow. i have never heard anyone complain about not having a deep eyelid crease. seriously: no one would ever notice that, and its hardly an unattractive trait anyway. That EyeTalk thing is soooo freaky. How is that possibly comfortable?</p>

<p>Hahaha, Eye Talk made my day.</p>

<p>Please don’t get surgery. Surgery basically just sucks, no matter what type it is. Don’t do it. If people can’t come to terms with the fact that you have a small eyelid crease, then they can just get over it. As a non-Asian, I can tell you that I don’t find Asian eyes unattractive. And you’ll still look Asian after the surgery anyway. Don’t have the surgery.</p>

<p>seriously, guys dont care about that stuff that much. most likely if your asian, and you get the surgery, you would look unnatural and out of place. if you want to be more attractive, exercise and get a good body, and have a good funny outgoing personality, don’t care about natural features, natural ffeatures are what naturally make you look best, and if you get surgery you’ll probably look worse and out of place and not right.</p>

<p>Surely, there will be someone who likes you as you are.</p>

<p>@LSkaiWalk: Exactly.
And if a guy does care about that stuff, then he’s an immature dumbas*.</p>

<p>I agree, don’t get the surgery. Most of the time you can tell that it’s fake. Plus I really doubt most guys would even notice at all nor care.</p>

<p>I use a Korean version of “Eye Talk” occassionally, but that’s because one of my eyes has a deep crease while the other one doesn’t. So one is sometimes significantly smaller than the other. It may look painful/creepy, but it’s not.</p>

<p>ETA: Just watched the Eye Talk video. Yeah that looks creepy. I only put on a thin line of glue at my “crease” line and then open my eye and a crease will appear…</p>

<p>I’m asian and i find people who do undergo the surgery to be either really effing scary or really effing hawt :O</p>

<p>Asian eyes are gorgeous. And besides, why should you change yourself for such a silly reason?</p>

<p>I personally don’t find small eyes attractive. But that’s just me, and I’m pretty picky.</p>

<p>I can’t believe people actually consider stuff like this. Tons of nonAsians find Asians hot. Why do you think so many guys have an Asian fetish? (Not that it’s a good thing at all.) And personally, I find plenty of Asian guys attractive.</p>

<p>Just accept who you are.</p>

<p>Millancad - me too. I think a lot of Asian guys are really cute, lol. I don’t know if it’s because of their hair or something…</p>

<p>And I also find Asian girls really pretty too. They always seem so delicate and so cute - Indian girls, not so much.</p>

<p>lol i actually dislike “lids”
i mean i dislike slanted slits too.
but yea.
some asian eyes are gorgeous.</p>

<p>I love women without peripheral vision!</p>