<p>What do you fellow CC'ers, East Asians in particular, think about the double-eyelid phenomenon? I know this is a sensitive topic, but seeing people struggle with this issue firsthand, I wanted to know what you think about this.</p>
<p>What do you feel about trying to achieve double-eyelids, with or without surgery, nowadays? Do you personally know anyone who's done it?</p>
<p>I started a thread like this a while ago… Anyway, I actually do know a girl who went back to China to get the surgery. It’s really weird because she got it after graduating from high school and the pictures around her house are all of her BEFORE the surgery. Plus, I don’t think it looks too good on her. I would do it… but I do have concerns…</p>
<p>I wouldn’t do it, because I already have double eye lids or with creases if you look closer (I inheirted it from my dad who has it as well) And yes I’m far eastern asian.</p>