<p>OP - you just aren’t familiar w/ the facts.</p>
<p>There are plenty of Asian-American “leaders” in California and Hawaii, and a growing number elsewhere.</p>
<p>For example, in the military (aside from former Joint Chief - General Shinseki):</p>
<p>General AntionoTaguba, USA, Ret.</p>
<p>Colonel Young Oak Kim, USA, Ret. (one of the most decorated US military officers)</p>
<p>BG Lie Ping Chang, USAR</p>
<p>RADM Ming E. Chang, USN, Ret. </p>
<pre><code> MG William S. C. Chen, USA, Ret.
Maj Gen Vernon Chong, USAF, Ret. M.D.
Brig. Gen. Robert Chu, USAFR
BG John Fugan, USA
MG John L. Fugh, USA, JAG, Ret.
BG John Gong, CA ARNG
MG Calvin Kelly Lau, USA, Ret.
Brig Gen Carol Lee, USAFR
MG Robert G.F. Lee, Adjutant General, Hawaii
RADM Samuel Lin, Assistant Surgeon General, US Public Health Service
Maj Gen Dewey K.K. Lowe, USAF, Ret.
MG John Ma, USAR
BG Coral Wong Pietsch, USA, Ret.
MG Stephen Tom, USAR
Maj Gen Darryll D. M. Wong, Hawaii ANG, Commander
BG Frederick G. Wong, USA, Ret
Brig Gen Jeannette Young, Air National Guard
<p>BG Oscar B. Hilman </p>
<pre><code> MG Benny Paulino, USA Ret.
BG Eldon P. Regua, USAR
LTG Edward Soriano, USA.Ret
<p>BG Clarence M. Agena, USA, Ret.</p>
<pre><code> RADM James Beebe, USNR
MG Thomas Bostick, USA
BG John Campbell, USA
BG Paul Y. Chinen, USA, Ret.
RADM. Melvin M. Chiogioji
Maj. Gen David E. Clary, USAF
RADM Derwood C. Curtis, USN
Brig Gen Myron N. Dobashi, USAF, Ret.
RADM Harry B. Harris, Jr. USN
BG Jim Hirai, USA Ret, Asian Pacific Center
BG Edward Y. Hirata, USAR, Ret.
MG Eugene Seigo Imai, USA, Ret.
BG Gary Ishikawa, USA. Deputy TAG, Hawaii
Maj Gen Arthur Ishimoto, USAF, Ret
MG Dennis A. Kamimura, USA, Ret.
MG Jason K. Kamiya, USA
MG Theodore S. Kanamine, USA, Ret.
MG Rodney Kobayashi, USA, Ret.
Brig Gen Susan Mashiko, USAF
MG Vern T. Miyagi, USA, Mobilization Ass’t to the CDR U. S. PACOM. 4-10-06
Brig Gen Allen Mizumoto, USAF. Ret.
BG Bert Mizusawa, USAR
RADM Kenneth P. Moritsugu, US Public Health Service
LTG Allen K. Ono, USA, Ret.
MG James Mukoyama, USA, Ret.
BG Glen I. Sakagawa, USA, Ret
GEN Eric Shinseki, USA, Ret
MG Walter Tagawa, USAR, Ret
BG Francis Shigeo Takemoto, USA
RADM Haruto Yamanouchi, USNR
Brig Gen Irvine Kiyoshi Yokoyama, USAF, Ret.
BG Edward M. Yoshimasu, USAR, Ret
<p>The thing is, we almost never see Asian-American military officers (as well as enlisted) portrayed in the media.</p>
<p>Plus, there are a good no. of Asian-Am mayors, city councilmembers, congressmembers, etc. in California and Hawaii (including the former head of the SFPD).</p>
<p>Not as many on the East Coast since the Asian community is less established/newer, but there are a few such as NYC Councilman John Liu; Edison (NJ) Mayor Jun Choi (btw, had to deal w/ a lot of racism during his campaign), Boston city Councilor Sam Yoon (who is also running for mayor) - as well as the Dean of Yale Law School and the President of Dartmouth.</p>