<p>Interesting video I found: (YouTube</a> - Asian-American Underachievers?). </p>
<p>Basically discusses how Asians are so smart, yet are shy, timid, and lack leadership skills. </p>
<p>Thoughts on vid?</p>
<p>Interesting video I found: (YouTube</a> - Asian-American Underachievers?). </p>
<p>Basically discusses how Asians are so smart, yet are shy, timid, and lack leadership skills. </p>
<p>Thoughts on vid?</p>
Don’t confuse “Asians” with “Asian-Americans” so tragically. That’s not what the video is about, and the -Americans part is very important.</p>
<p>oh yeah… didn’t watch the video because it sounds stupid. I like The Young Turks though.</p>
<p>Oh well. In this context I mean Asian Americans–didn’t feel like writing out Asian Americans.</p>
<p>I remember reading the article about a month ago, and I’d say “underachiever” is definitely not the right word. The article was a good read, and as an Asian-American I agree wholeheartedly with what the author had to say.</p>
<p>lol totally true… this article is what i wish my asian friends and their parents would realize. an ivy league and credentials like that arent everything… although i guess i cant complain seeing as how i was never the typical asian that studies all the time</p>
<p>I’m technically Asian and I currently have a C+ average, is that what you mean?</p>
<p>Come to UBC, everyone is like that lol</p>
<p>I’m Asian-American and I’m shy, timid, and lack leadership skills, but I’m not that smart either. My GPA’s a 2.9.</p>
<p>c’mon guys, we’re all educated here. can we get past the model minority myth? nothing is worse than racism that people don’t recognize as racism.</p>
<p>im an asian-american underachiever…</p>
<p>I hate the Young Turks. Their comments about news and articles are just so stupid.</p>
<p>Still beats FoxNews</p>
<p>If you want to find someone with serious family issues , find ANY student who constantly fails to live up to their families expectations .
This is most common in immigrant families( yes this includes Asians, but I’ve heard this coming from second generation African’s as well) , but it can go for anyone .
What happens is you have a kid that wants to just relax and go with the flow, with parents who pressure the kid to work harder in school. This is OK, to an extent, but when this happened to me(i’m not Asian FYI ) it was a point where my family would outright reject me for getting a D in AP History .</p>
<p>Imagine how messed up that is, your family yelling at you and saying you’ll be a loser all because your doing bad in a stupid class.
Now that I’m in college I like history, and I do well in it. I just wasn’t a 3.5 student in high school . My family couldn’t accept that and I was more or less made the black sheep . </p>
<p>God bless the community college system .</p>
<p>They are expressing love with a good motive, but their methods are wrong.</p>
Their’s a line between tough love and trying to live vicariously though your kids .
With my family I actually was kicked out TWICE over not living up to their stupid expectations . I seriously hate the modern High School system . Instead of just having kids who aren’t going to college, the kid has to be lazy or have some type of learning disability( IMO this is one of the most overused labels in K-12 education- now if your kid is struggling with AP Calc he has a learning disability, instead of just being bad at math ) . </p>
<p>50 years ago it was ok to not go to college, not everyone is going to be a doctor, heck we still need Diesel mechanics . Now we have it set up where parents feel its ok to yell and scream over a C . This has lead to a whole generation of overstressed students who can’t cope with the real world . What good is it to have a 3.9 if your absolutely miserable everyday .</p>
<p>Asians are timid people because of their upbringing, particularly the asians from the Indian Subcontinent.</p>
<p>Way to generalise BILLIONS of people. SMH!</p>