They have racial quotas/affirmative action to help racial groups that have traditionally faced discrimination in america (basically all non-whites), but these policies are just further discriminating against a group that has faced discrimination!! it's not equalizing, just further alienating an entire ethnic group.
<p>I'd have to disagree. Quotas are illegal according to The Supreme Court. AA programs are not. And, diversity is a greater good (at least for the next 20+ years, according to the SC). As for balkanization between minority groups, you're right. When out groups do not have power, they fight amongst themselves, and believe some of the false stereotypes (like Asians being the 'model minority' or monolithic) that favor themselves. That practice shields the majority that has held power historically and currently in America by reinforcing the status quo.</p>
<p>Discrimination requires being able to set up the norms in a particular society. One can be prejudice, without having the power to act on them in societal context. Those that are racist, are prejudice AND have the ability to ACT on them in a broader context (i.e. socially, politically, economically, culturally). Thus reverse racism is a misnomer that often gets tossed about by those in the majority and some Asians to dismantle/minimize AA because it does not forward their goals or agenda to keep or gain power.</p>
<p>I agree with the alienation you speak of, but each minority group has been and continues to be marginalized, except when a non-URM needs a justification for retaining it's power or an argument to keep society subservient to the status quo. Asians are sometimes a willing participant to that end.</p>
<p>BTW, Southeast Asians are sometimes classified as URMs. Convenient that those non-URMs & Asians who speak for Asians as a group forget that, if it does not support the argument and agenda forwarded by them or their surrogates.</p>
<p>Don't forget that womyn are covered by AA as well. So, not just ethnic groups are affected.</p>
<p>Thank goodness for holistic admissions practices.</p>