Ask About Andover

@TheSwami Turns out it was in my mother’s Spam! Thank you! They sent the letter to us a week ago.

@livelaughxc Any updates?

@livelaughxc @YoungThriver We (parents) received emails with the Enrollment Agreement about a week after matriculation email. One email for each parent/guardian. Have not received any email/mail about Housing questionnaires yet.

According to the school, Andover’s tuition will be $75k+ after the 2019-2020 school year.

Why this huge jump in tuition? I’ve heard of inflation but I still can’t wrap my head around this massive jump. The tuition during the previous years used to increase by the hundreds (unless I’m mistaken so, correct me if I’m wrong). Why is it increasing by so much now?

@YoungThriver are you sure about the tuition jump? My recollection of the $75K number is that is the “cost” per student. In fact, I seem to recall PA showing both $75K and $70K as the cost to educate a student for the same period. The idea being that it takes donations and returns from investments to bridge the gap between the tuition and actual cost for a student to attend.

@TheSwami I misinterpreted that for the tuition. It all makes sense now!

@YoungThriver Yup! In the spam folder!

When do housing cards come?

Is anything suppose to happen after both parents sign the Enrollment form?

Two years ago, May 1st was the day our kiddo got access to PA’s network and received action items for things like a housing questionnaire, assessment tests, class selection, etc.

We would like to buy an airline ticket for Thanksgiving break.
Last day of class is on Friday and break start on Saturday.
Do you think I can book a ticket on Friday (11/22) late evening?
In general, Kids can leave school the day of last class?

I should’ve read all the earlier thread.
Got the answer from @CaliPops 's reply.
Thank you so much!

My mom’s planning flights right now, and according to the drafted calendar, we would register on September (a Tuesday). Is it safe to assume that this date is set and that we should plan accordingly around this date?

Also, as we are flying in from the south, is it okay to arrive around Saturday or Sunday? We’ll probably end up getting the majority of my dorm stuff the day(s?) before check-in and I was just wondering about how long the whole process will take. Thanks!

Also, I was wondering if English and History are pass/fail for new lowers like they are for incoming juniors.

I’m a parent of a current junior (9th). We flew up as a family on Saturday, spent Sunday surfing on the coast, went shopping on Monday and moved rockkid in on Tuesday. We shopped in NH (Target, etc). Most supplies (ie washed sheets, towels, clothes) we brought via checked bags and only shopped for a few items - storage container, snacks, desk chair cushion, etc. We didn’t need to purchase a ton of things. The length of time required would be variable depending on how much you need, what you need, and if you have preordered items to be picked up (thereby decreasing required shopping time) or are just going to wing it on arrival.

No. And to be clear, for 9th graders, history and English are pass/fail for the Fall term only

@sheepdad Yes, you can definitely book that flight! While I personally do not, most kids leave the day classes end.
@livelaughxc In my experience, the Opening of School (OOS) Calendar has been pretty consistent, so I’d say it’s safe to plan around it. However, keep in mind you will not be allowed to move into your dorm until your registration date and the time it takes to move in varies per person.
Also, only ENG100A is pass/fail (the fall term of freshman year English). History is NOT pass/fail.

Thanks for clearing that up. Can any new lowers speak on how the transition was academically?

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@livelaughxc I was a new lower (currently a senior). I found the transition to be quite reasonable, as courses lower fall don’t tend to be overly strenuous (though high placement in math, science or language can change that). The biggest thing for me to learn was time management, as the volume of work was greater than I was used to and it was also usually less structured. It took me a little time to get used to the expectations at Andover, and my GPA lower year was lower than that of my upper year, despite my classes being far easier. It’s certainly doable, though, and none of my new lower friends I remember talking to found the transition unreasonably difficult. Feel free to PM me with any more specific questions.

@livelaughxc I came into Andover as a new lower, and I feel fully integrated into the school community. However, it may be a bit of a struggle next year because I heard that new lowers will be placed with freshman into some freshman dorms instead of the upperclassman dorms like we usually do. Nevertheless, we take the same classes as returning lowers and actually many of the returning students are excited to make friends with the new lowers because they want to make new friends!