Ask About Andover

aThank you. What is the new schedule?Also, when do we get results from the math and french placement tests?

Hereā€™s the new schedule:

In effect, it means classes will meet 3 times per week (1x40min, 2x75min) rather than 4 (3x45min, 1x75min). To compensate for the lost time, school will end roughly a week later.

You donā€™t really get ā€œresultsā€ from the tests. That is, youā€™ll never know what percentage you got. The only real indication of how well you did is the classes you are placed into, which I believe goes out around mid-August.

I saw where new student registration is being held on Tuesday, September 3rd. Is there any reason we need to fly in earlier than the 2nd? I wasnā€™t sure if there were student mixers or events prior to the 3rd that kiddo might miss out on.

@eoliphant Nope! Registration is done in phases and thereā€™s no programming for students until their expected registration date. Your kid wonā€™t miss out!

Will we have adequate time to buy dorm stuff if we plan on flying in on the morning of the 1st? When do we get shown our dorms and have time to unpack and get last-minute essentials?

@gossipgirlME Your reply was a big help. Thanks.

Quick question: how are matriculation ceremonies like?

@YoungThriver I was wondering the same thing.

how much wall space do dorms have? or does it widely vary?

Iā€™m applying to PA for the 2020-2021 school year (not sure if itā€™s too early to be asking questions haha). Anyways, I havenā€™t taken geometry in school because the highest an eighth grader can go is Algebra 1 honors (which I am in). However, I have a few geometry books laying around the house that I could teach myself with. If I demonstrate that I know geometry on the placement test, would it be possible to skip it?

Wall space depends on room size, so it depends. The amount of continuous wall space depends upon window placement, so again, it depends.

Yes if you demonstrate it to their satisfaction, but the first, and most important, battle is to get accepted before worrying about minutiae. But I will point out that many people who took a geometry class end up having to retake it.

As opening of school gets closer, I was wondering how to bring/ship the bulkier items to campus. I still havenā€™t bought bedding, towels, a mattress pad, or a lamp yet, and I was wondering if itā€™s possible to order these on Amazon and have it shipped to the school a couple days before we get there.

Is this allowed? Or should we just buy everything from the local Target and Bed Bath & Beyond when we fly in? Iā€™m just a little worried that everything will sell out in stores.

Also, what is move-in day like?


@skieurope Do you happen to know what to put as the address for the shipment? And if there are any rules about when shipments can be sent?

Your Name
Phillips Academy
180 Main St
Andover, MA 01810

There should be instructions in the Blue Book or the Parents Handbook about dates. IIRC, they ask not to be sent before the 3rd Monday in August. But double check.

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@skieurope Great, thank you so much!

kiddo typically uses an amazon echo spot for alarm/music, does anyone know if itā€™s ok to bring echo along? thanks in advance!

Yes, itā€™s fine.

Any new students here received the cluster/housing/advisor/roommate information? We were told we should receive those information on August 19th. Thanks!