Ask About Andover

Recently came across this survey by the Phillipian. It’s pretty interesting and might be helpful. I apologize if its already been posted here, I didn’t see it.

Thank you @AppleNotFar for the specific info and answering my question!

Wow. Some things jumped out to me
-while 79% of respondents consider themselves happy at Andover, 43% have considered leaving the school permanently.
-77% of respondents reported feeling alone at Andover. Of those the frequency of feeling alone was most commonly reported as “sometimes”.
(Typical teen angst??)

@HMom16 interesting maybe but is probably not all that surprising. Andover has been doing the survey for many years. In my view, surveys of this kind if done for most highly competitive elite private (or public?) schools:colleges would result in similar results.

Agreed. All things considered the kids seem happy and connected.

hi! I’m currently a freshman at a small day school in Massachusetts. I have a brother at Andover, and my dad went, so i know a lot about the school. I’m not concerned as to whether it’s a good fit; I’m concerned as to whether I will be accepted into the community as a lower. Are there any andover students who were in this boat and can give me advice? Thanks!

@m10fanatic we went to an admissions event and the students on the panel agreed that they get super excited when a new student enters as a lower etc. it sounded like after a couple of weeks you’d be just fine!

@m10fanatic Andover accept many new lowers so you won’t not be alone. Since 9th graders have dorms that are only for 9th graders all 10th graders are in a new (to them) dorm.

Hey guys! I’m going to revisit Andover next Monday, and I was wondering if there is anything I should know beforehand that will prove to be helpful. Thx.


Don’t worry about it. I was a new lower as well, it’s awesome. I’ve even heard people recommend it over coming as a freshman.


You will probably hear from your revisit host sometime the weekend before your visit. They’ll be able to tell you more and answer any specific questions you have about revisit.

@jc570109 I’m currently in orchestra and band, and the directors are very accommodating as long as they are made aware of the situation. Many students show up 10 to even 30 minutes into rehearsal due to sports

First revisit day is tomorrow! Best wishes to everyone who will be attending. >:D<

Revisit day is really what sealed the deal for me. Hard it believe it was just about 5 years ago that I went on my revisit, but I still clearly remember it

Remember to enjoy the ride! You are not being interviewed so don’t try to impress anyone. Just go with the flow and have fun! And remember if you have a compatible and friendly host, great. Otherwise, remember he/she is just a one day pal of yours. Don’t judge how your experience as a student will be like based how you get along with your host. Good luck!

We loved it and signed on revisit day. Cancelled all the other revisits. Go big blue!!

@bc12345 Great news!!!

@AppleNotFar DS and I are both so excited. What a great place. Amazing faculty and kids. Other schools were not thrilled that we didn’t revisit

@bc12345 Its fun to be on the other side isn’t it? Before you know it you’ll be full circle a year from now with your DS possibly hosting a revisit guest and you’ll be feeling nostalgic like me, sniff sniff.

^^They’re all great opportunities. Glad @bc12345 found his home. But its too bad you didn’t look at the other opportunities. Still, he can see what he passed up on away games. Happy he is happy.