Ask me: CSU to UC transfer

Hi! I transferred this year from SDSU to UC Berkeley as a Chemistry major. If you have any questions about the process or what I did or need any advice let me know!

Yes, my daughter would like to transfer from SDSDU to a UC. We are so discouraged that they seem to take CCC students as a priority which makes NO sense …they should all compete together. Can you please IM me your plan!! And, a great big CONGRATULATIONS!!!

I’m not sure what you mean by your plan, can you explain? And thanks!

Wow that’s awesome!! I attended a CSU for a year, and am currently finishing up at my CC to apply to UC Berkeley and LA in the fall. May I ask what your gpa was? Or any stellar extra curricular work/anything that made you stand out as an applicant?

Also, I’m sure you’ve probably done some research in organic chemistry? If so, can you offer any advice/recommendation on programs? Or was this through SDSU? As a CC student, none of the professors have funding for research so lab experience is scarce but I would love to do organic research :confused: any advice will help!