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@colieb0915 Yes, there’s a strong premed program at GW. Lots of students choose GW because of its medical school, convinced it’s better prep for getting in to medical school (opinions on this vary, but I think it helps).

As far as majoring in political science while being on the premed track, it’s technically doable. I ran the numbers for you as with respect to required classes and credits, and assuming you pick some classes that overlap major requirements with Columbian College requirements (Writing-In-the-Discipline classes, for example), you’re looking at 112 credits. That’s 60 from your major, 25, from GW/Columbian requirements, and then 27 from pre-med. In case you don’t know, that’s A LOT. For reference, 120 credits is a full bachelors degree, so you’d be shy only 2 or 3 classes of the degree. In other words, you’re going to take a lot of relatively difficult classes with only a small handful left for fun/easy electives. Is this doable? Again, I’d say “technically.” If you’re disciplined and want it badly enough, I’d say go for it. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that if you want to do med school, you need to have your premed classes done (I believe) by the end of your third year, so that’s packing a lot of tough classes into your first two years when you’re also taking difficult political science classes that are frequently used to “weed-out” students.

If you pull it off, I think that applying to medical school with a political science degree would help your chances a bit, as I’ve been told that medical schools like to accept students from different backgrounds.

Don’t know if this is a weird question… How long do people usually stay on campus for winter break? Do people usually leave right after finals and come back right before classes start? Or leaver closer to Christmas and come back sooner? I’m the first student in my family to go out-of-state so I don’t know how all that works.

@rosebudd21 Unless you’ve been given permission by the University, you’re required to be out of your room the day of your last exam, and you aren’t allowed to return until the Saturday before spring classes start. I don’t know how difficult it is to get a waiver, but I think it’s usually for international students or others that might have a reason to stay (internship, etc). Even if you stay, you’ll be charged an extra housing charge.

Didn’t know there were requirements about that sort of thing, but it makes sense! I guess I’ve just heard of people staying on campus for Thanksgiving, but winter break is a lot longer so I understand why they’d do that. Thanks!

Yeah, winter break is the only time from move-in to move-out that students aren’t allowed to stay in their room.

when will we hear back for regular decision?

Per the Admission website, it’ll be “early April.” Last year decisions came out on March 30th, but I’m not sure when on the Admissions page it said they would would come out.

Is the School of Media & Public Affairs more difficult to get into ?

For any ED II applicants does anyones financial aid say “Current Enrollment Status” and gives a full overview of how cost of attendance is broken down? New update for me since last week


SMPA does have higher admissions standards because the programs are smaller but field a rather large amounts of applications. The increased competitiveness makes admission more difficult.

@gdubya I really like GWU but I’m afraid they might think I applied to Georgetown as well (I did not) and only to GWU because I assumed I’ll get in (I don’t). I want to major in political science and I’ve done volunteer and paid work for judicial campaigns. I also did a year-long study abroad through Rotary. I’m hoping my app is good enough but I’m not sure if it shows enough interest in politics. My stats are 1460 SAT (740 R&W 720M) and 93/100 UW. Any thoughts? I went to the session with the GWU rep when she came to my school but I can’t visit due to my high school’s policies on absences.

when will ed II come out??

@kd6410 GWU places no emphasis on “demonstrated interest” i.e. visiting the school. When you visit, they don’t even have place where you can sign in. The welcome center gives you a sticker nd sends you on your way

@ariistocrat lol, where did you get that info? It’s absolutely true that GW considers “demonstrated interest” when making decisions. “Visiting the campus” is typically in the form of tours, which are recorded. Further, it’s not difficult for admissions folks to know who has done their homework on the school (whether online or on campus), especially when the essays pertain the GW.

Hi! I was accepted ED 1 and was wondering what jobs (if any) you could get on campus that would go to paying off a little of your tuition?

@bingthebean Congrats on getting in! Yeah, there are quite a few jobs on campus. Once you get your netID (might not be until closer to the summer) you can log-in to the GW jobs website, and they’ve got all kinds of things listed (even some off-campus jobs). A lot of the jobs on campus involve administrative work or similar that gives you a chance to study also.

When did RD decisions come out last year?

Advice on going to GW as a bio major? Also wanting to do something with health admin/government

@physics007 The bio program at GW is good, and there are lots of students pursuing the same major (many are on the pre-med track). One thing to keep in mind, since it’s a big program, is that the intro classes are HUGE (250 students or so) and are typically used to “weed-out” those that aren’t serious about the program.

Hello! I was wondering if someone can go more in detail on how I can show demonstrated interest? I love GWU but I’m worried since my mother went to a DC college they will think I am only applying here as a safety or some other reason. Do you think sending an e-mail to my respective admissions officer will work to show my interest? I don’t know if I will be able to attend the campus any time soon.
Thanks so much! :slight_smile: